Thursday, June 30, 2011

Indonesian Spiced Chicken Soup (Soto Ayam)

The recipe is from my mum whom originally from Kudus - a small city in Central Java
This city has the most authentic soto ayam ever - hence the name 'Soto Ayam Kudus'
Singapore does have its own version which is slightly different in taste

What you need:

For the soup:
1 tsp coriander seeds - pounded
5 shallots, 2 cloves of garlic - cut
4 candlenuts - cut thinly
yellow ginger (approx thumb size) - put directly on fire for a fe minutes til the skin slightly burnt, off heat, let cool and peel the skin, wash clean and pound lightly

All the ingredients above to put in food processor til forming smooth paste
Heat a little oil on frying pan, pour in the paste, add in 3 tbsp of thick coconut milk and 6 tbsp of water - mix well and simmer for approx 5minutes

Boil a pot of water with 1 chicken breast and pour the fried paste above - mix well, bring to boil and simmer for 30minutes, off heat
Take out the cooked chicken and tear apart to thin cut - set aside

Prepare and set aside:
*2 handful of beansprout - blanched
*2 handful of bean vermicelli (tunghoon) - soaked in hot water to soften
*3 eggs - hard boiled and cut
*fried onion (I bought packed ready to eat)
*fried garlic (I cut thinly 10 cloves of garlic and fry in a lot of oil on low heat til golden in color)
*2 large lime - cut
*fresh coriander - cut small
*dark sweet soya sauce (kecap manis)

For chilli sauce:
5 large red chillies - blanched and cut
salt, sugar
===> Pulse two times (not so smooth)
This makes a non spicy chilli sauce, to add the spiciness you may add 2 bird eye's chillies

How to eat...
On a serving plate, arrange rice, tunghoon, chicken, eggs, beansprout
Pour the soup over
Sprinkle with fried onion, fried garlic, fresh coriander cut, a dash of juice from the lime cut, and kecap manis
Mix everything and add chilli sauce

Best to eat with prawn crackers or any other cracker

If you see in the pic above, I made quail egg on stick
That is so yummy when you eat together with the soup

This is how to prepare:
===> Boil quail eggs for 10minutes approx, drain and peel
In a small pot, boil the peeled eggs together with 2 crushed cloves of garlic, water, palm sugar, a little tamarind sauce (I mixed seedless tamarind with a little water), salt, and dark sweet soya sauce (if not dark enough)
Bring to boil and simmer for  15minutes - off heat and leave the mixture on the pot
Only drain when it's time to consume
Best to prepare a day before to get the perfect taste

This soup is also excellent to eat with bergedil (we Indonesians call it 'perkedel')

A lot of preparation but it's all worth it :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cheesy Stuffed Crust Pizza

Made this pizza I love - usually I bought from Pizza Hut, this time I tried to make myself
Not as pretty, but very very happy with the taste :)

Before baking...

After baking...see the mozzarella cheese are everywhere - should name it 'dotty pizza' instead :)

See my hubby pull the cheesy crust - yum!

One slice is not enough :P

The pizza base recipe is from HERE - nice and soft!
I used Prego pasta sauce, topping it up with sliced breakfast ham, button mushrooms, grated parmesan cheese, grated cheddar cheese, and finally - grated mozzarella cheese

What I did for the pizza crust, I sprinkled the 3 cheese combo - grated cheddar, parmesan and mozzarella all around the edges
I rolled the dough away from me til the cheese hidden inside and made several cuts all around the edges with approximately 5cm distance each
I twist each part 90deg pointing outwards - do the same to the rest
Do not overbake or else the crusts will be hard

Very cheesy indeed! :)

I'm submitting this cheesy pizza to Aspiring Bakers #8 June'11 Bread Seduction hosted by Jasmine from The Sweetylicious at this LINK

Monday, June 27, 2011

Rolled Crepes With Coconut Filling (Kueh Dadar Intih)

Remember my coconut buns?
I still had some leftover coconut filling, and decided to make kueh dadar intih
In Indonesia, we call it 'dadar gulung' (gulung means - rolled)

My coconut filling was white in color whereas usually this snack has brown coconut filling (done with palm sugar)
But, it's only color - taste is just as yummy so I just proceeded :)
Found some several recipes, then decided to try Hesti's (yes, again! ^_^)
Thanks Hesti for the yummy recipe and also the tips :)

Yes I know, I gotta practise in the rolling part :P

The coconut filling I made was initially for buns filling so it's a little more moist than the normally coconut filling for kueh dadar 

What you need: (modified a little)

150g plain flour
1 egg
150ml water
125ml coconut milk (I used Kara)
1/4tsp salt
1 tbsp sweet condensed milk
1 tbsp butter - melted
1 tsp pandan paste

Mix all the ingredients above
Heat flat non stick pan, spoon 1/4cup of batter into the pan and tilt the pan around to form a circle - flip and cook the other side
Once cooled, fill with coconut and roll

To achieve the perfect texture (with perforated holes on the crepes), make sure the pan is real hot when pouring the batter and immediately turn it to low heat - mantain at low heat throughout cooking process
The thickness of the crepes has to be just nice - too thin, it can burn very easily when cooked - too thick, it can break during rolling
It all depends on the batter - the thicker the batter is, the thicker crepes you'll get, the thinner the batter is, the thinner the crepes

I love this snack - love love love! :)
Next time, I will use the original recipe for the filling - definitely will be much yummier :)

Taking a Break

It's that time of year again. I am taking the next two weeks off to enjoy summer vacation with my kids and husband. I plan to hang out with family and friends, eat tasty food, hike, swim, read, and relax. I'll be back to cooking soon but in the meantime, I've left you a few tasty recipes to check out.







Sunday, June 26, 2011

Titi Noodles (Mie Titi)

Very unusual and never heard name I guess, for those non Indonesian
In fact, I didn't even know about this dish' existence til I met my hubby
This noodle dish is originally from Makassar - a city at Southern Sulawesi province in Indonesia, the city where my hubby was born
My in law always cook this dish everytime visiting us - and we all love it :)

What you need:

a packet of ready to eat dried noodle (easily found in supermarkets)
3 cloves of garlic - crushed
1 small onion - chopped
1 chicken breast - diced
8 fried fishballs - cut
6 chicken livers - each cut into 2
6 chicken gizzards - each cut into 2
10 medium prawns - peeled, deveined and cut into 2
10 medium button mushrooms - cut into 4 (I use 1/2 of a big can)
2 carrots - thinly sliced
1 pack of xiao bai chai - cut into 3 parts
some large limes - cut
oil, salt, pepper, water, oyster sauce, fish sauce, sesame oil, corn flour mixed with water

To marinade chicken: cooking wine, salt, pepper, soya sauce, cornflour

Marinade chicken and set aside - leave for 30minutes
Heat oil on the frying pan, stir fry onion followed by garlic til fragrant
Add in chicken, prawns, fishballs, mushrooms, carrots and water - in that order
Followed by oyster sauce, fish sauce, drops of sesame oil, salt, pepper
Stir well til all cooked - bring to boil
Add in chicken livers and gizzards - stir well
Add in xiao bai chai - mix well, followed by cornflour mixture to thicken the sauce
Adjust the  taste and thickness, off heat

Arrange dried noodle on the serving plate
Pour the mixture on top,  drizzle with cut large lime - mix well
Eat with bottled chilli sauce

Another option that my in law also does is by using beehoon (rice vermicelli)
Bring a pot of water to boil, and boil beehoon til soft
Heat oil on frying pan, and fry beehoon til crisp
This is also yummy but I am always scared everytime seeing how the beehoon absorps all the oil on the pan - after frying, the pan can turn dry - all oil are gone!

Also, many used normal (not fried) fishballs and also beefballs - another option which I didn't do as my kids don't really like beef balls

The recipe above can feed 4 hungry monsters! :)
Mine still have some leftover after 4 of us had our meal, and it's only finished after my hubby & I had it for lunch :)

Below is the cost (approx)...

dried noodles - pack of 4 = $2.50
garlic + onion = $0.50
chicken breast = $1.70
fishballs = $1.50
livers + gizzards = $2
prawns = $2.50
button mushrooms = $1.20
carrots = $1
xiao ba chai = $1
large limes = $0.50
others - from my existing stock approx $1
total  = $15.40

I am submitting this post to [June $20 Budget Meal - Noodle] host by Ellena of Cuisine Paradise at this Link HERE.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Pan Fried Fish In Plum Sauce

This is another super yummy dish you gotta try!

What you need:

1 seabass (approx 700g) - I cut into 2parts
3 cloves shallots - shredded

Marinade the fish with:
salt, pepper
(make sure to clean the fish first and then pat dry with kitchen towel)

3 tbsp juice of a lemon
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp plum sauce
3 cloves of garlic - chopped
2 small green chillies (I used bird's eye chillies) - chopped
1 large red chilli - chopped

oil for frying

Marinade fish - set aside for a few hours
Heat oil on the frying pan (around half of the height of the fish)
Pan fry til golden brown on both sides (low heat) - first side to fry is around 10minutes and then turn  and fry another 5minutes on the other side (cover the pan)
Combine well seasonings amd pour over the fried fish - scatter over the shredded shallots
Heat a little oil and drizzle over the fish

Friday, June 24, 2011

Grilled Havarti and Tomato on Kalamata Olive Bread

I made this sandwich for my kids' lunch and couldn't help myself from sneaking a bite... it was so good! I loved the creamy cheese with the crisp and tangy bread and the sweet tomatoes - it was a wonderful combination of flavors and textures. Both of my kids loved the sandwich and gobbled it right up.

Grilled Havarti and Tomato on Kalamata Olive Bread:
Recipe and photos by For the Love of
  • 2 slices of leftover kalamata olive bread
  • 2 slices of Havarti cheese
  • 2 slices of tomato
  • Butter
Heat a skillet over medium heat. Spread the butter on one side of each piece of bread. Layer the bread (on the non buttered side) with one slice of cheese, next add the tomatoes followed by the last slice of cheese then top it with the remaining piece of bread. Place the sandwich (butter side down) into the hot skillet and cook 2-3 minutes on each side or until golden brown and the cheese has melted. Serve immediately. Enjoy.

Coconut Buns

Bread again! :)
Something that I've also been craving lately - coconut!
And it's not easy to find buns with coconut filling here in Singapore
Found the recipe here

Another soft and fluffy recipe :)

What you need:

250g bread flour
40g castor sugar
1/2 tsp salt
7g instant yeast
24g butter
11g shortening
1 tsp condensed milk
1 small egg
115g water

For the filling:
100g fresh grated coconut
100g caster sugar
100g butter
1 egg
---> To make the filling, mix all the above ingredients  well. To achieve the correct consistency, pinch the mixture and if it holds, you are on the way to a great bun
Using desiccated coconut might make a dry mixture, you may add evaporated milk - 1 tsp each time til the right consistency achieved

Using breadmaker:
Pour in egg, water and condensed milk - followed by flour, sugar, salt, and lastly yeast
Set to dough programme, after 5 minutes kneading add in butter
The programme is 1hr 30mins
After dough is ready, punch out and take it out from the pan, knead for awhile to release the air bubble
Leave for 5minutes
Divide the dough into 6 mounds

How to assemble the buns...
Original recipe made such a lovely fan shape buns with pandan leaf strings used
I - as u all know, don't belong to the category of those capable in this hehe...not yet :P
So, I didn't use any pandan leaf string

I just followed the instruction from flatten the mound, put 2tbsp of filling in the middle, wrap the filling
Flatten the filled dough gently til the size of your palm, fold to semi circle, fold again to quadrant
Use a dough cutter to cut into 2 wedges - for this part, I didn't cut all the way, only 3/4
Turn each wedge up by 90deg, coconut filling facing up, and then I laid the shaped dough on the greased pan
(can anyone tell me what shape I made actually, from looking at the pic above hehe...)
Second proofing for approx 30-45mins or til doubled in size

Meantime, preheat oven to 190degC
Eggwash them just before putting in the oven (with a mixture of egg + fresh milk)
Bake for approximately 12minutes or til golden brown
Brush with butter while still hot

Bun tastes best when warm. As the filling is made with coconut, keep unconsumed buns chilled to prevent the coconut from going bad

I'm submitting these coconut buns to  Aspiring Bakers #8 June'11 Bread Seduction hosted by Jasmine from The Sweetylicious at this LINK

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Kalamata Olive Bread

I made this loaf of bread for my son because he's likes bread and he loves kalamata olives. He loved this bread so much he didn't even want to slather it with butter - he just ate it plain and loved every bite. The rest of us really enjoyed this bread too, the crust was perfectly crisp and the kalamata olives gave the soft bread a wonderful tangy flavor. It smelled amazing while baking and it was fun to make. This one is a keeper!

Kalamata Olive Bread:
Recipe by For the Love of
  • 1 cup of warm water
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 3 cups of all purpose flour
  • 1 1/4 tsp active dry yeast
  • Kalamata olives, halved lengthwise
  • Cornmeal
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 tbsp water
Place all dough ingredients (through yeast) in the bread machine in the order listed. Select thedough cycle and press start.

Once the bread machine stops (it was one and a half hours on my machine). Remove the pan from the bread machine and punch the dough down (deflate it), then cover and let it rise a second time, until doubled in size, about 30 minutes.

Remove the dough and place it on a floured surface and knead for 1 minute. Roll the dough into a rectangle. Place the kalamata halves evenly all over the dough.

Carefully roll up the dough in jelly roll fashion and pinch the seam together. Tuck the ends underneath. Line a baking sheet with a silpat mat and sprinkle with cornmeal. Place the bread on the prepared baking sheet; cover and let rise until it doubles in size, about 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Carefully make several evenly placed diagonal cuts (with a sharp knife) on top of the loaf. Beat together the egg white and 1 tablespoon of water then brush over the loaf with a pastry brush.

Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake for 23-25 minutes, or until the loaf is golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped. Remove from baking sheet and cool on wire racks. Enjoy.

Cinnamon Rolls With Cream Cheese Frosting

I have been having this craving for cinnamon and the first thing came into my mind was cinnamon rolls :)
Found this recipe in Hesti's site - again :)
Many cinnamon rolls recipe that I found but this one recipe attracted me to give a try - I guess cos of the cream cheese frosting and also the very positive review I read in the post
Hesti, you're right! These rolls are soooo yummy!!! Seriously!
Thanks alot - again, for sharing this wonderful recipe! Hope you will not get bored visiting my blog if in the future it looks like reading your own blog archive *grin*

Before topping up with cream cheese frosting - my hubby tried one and he said it's already good enough! :)

With cream cheese frosting - it's heaven! :)

Soft & fluffy texture - even on the next day

What you need:

250g bread flour
250g all purpose flour
100g sugar
2 tbsp full cream milk powder
9g instant yeast
1 tsp bread improver
70g butter
1 tsp salt
1 egg yolk, 1 egg
250ml warm water

Using breadmaker:
Pour water, all eggs followed by flour, sugar, milk powder, improver, salt and lastly - yeast
Set to dough and after 5 minutes kneading, add in butter
The process is 1hr 30mins incl proofing

Cinnamon filling:
(I modified a little)

100g soft butter
100g soft brown sugar
5 tsp ground cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
---> Rub in everything till well mixed

For cream cheese frosting:

3 tbsp cream cheese
2 tbsp butter
1 1/2 tbsp icing sugar
3 tbsp  fresh milk
---> Whisk everything til smooth

After dough is ready, punch and take out from the pan, knead for a while to release the air bubbles
Flatten with rolling pin and spread with cinnamon filling
Roll the dough away from you like rolling a swissroll
Cut the dough rolls and arrange with a little distance in the greased pan
Proof til doubled in size - approximately 30minutes
Bake in preheated oven of 200degC for 12-15minutes or til golden brown
Pour cream cheese frosting with spoon while the rolls are still hot and let it set

This is purely yummy - especially with a cup of hot earl grey tea! :)

I'm submitting this cinnamon rolls to  Aspiring Bakers #8 June'11 Bread Seduction hosted by Jasmine from The Sweetylicious at this LINK