Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Homemade Lemon and Blueberry Pop Tarts

Well, it's official... my kids think I am the coolest mom ever. I've been wanting to make homemade pop tarts for awhile now. I saw some lemon curd at Trader Joe's and knew it would make a tasty filling along with fresh blueberries. These little pop tarts were so quick and simple to make and tasted FANTASTIC. Yes, all caps - they were that good. My son kept telling us that no one could love them more than he did, while my daughter said they were so awesome, fantastic, and delicious. I can safely say, they were a huge hit. We saved a couple for my husband and he loved them too. I highly recommend these tasty treats.

Homemade Lemon and Blueberry Pop Tarts:
Recipe and photos by For the Love of
  • 1 premade pie crust
  • Lemon Curd
  • Fresh blueberries, cut in half
  • 1 egg, mixed well
  • Raw sugar
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Line a baking sheet with a silpat mat.

Place the pie crust on a lightly floured surface. Cut the dough into squares. Spoon a bit of lemon curd on one side of the square, making sure not to go to the edges. Place some of the blueberry halves on top of the lemon curd. Fold the dough in half and gently seal the edges with your fingers. Take a fork and crimp the edges of the pop tart closed. Using a knife, carefully trim off the uneven edges.

Slice two little vents into the top of each pop tart. Brush the tops of each pop tart with the egg wash.

Sprinkle each pop tart with the raw sugar. Place into the oven and bake for 15 minutes or until golden brown.

Remove from the oven and cool on a baking rack. Serve warm. Enjoy.

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