Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Homemade Muah Chee (Happy Call)

This simple yummy sweet chewy crunchy snack is DH's favorite
So glad I could make this, and it's surprisingly so simple using Happy Call pan :)

Recipe is from Ellena's site

What you need:

1 cup glutinuous rice flour
1 cup water
1/2 tsp sugar
2 tbsp shallot oil
Peanut powder with sugar for coating (I bought ready to use pack)
  1. Sautee 4 shallots, thinly sliced with 2 tbsp oil on Happy Call pan over low heat til golden brown, remove shallot and leave the oil in the pan
  2. Mix flour and sugar in a bowl, slowly stir in water, whisk til combined
  3. Over medium low heat, heat shallot oil, swirl in the flour mixture slowly, stir with wooden spoon til form soft dough
  4. Lower heat, continue to toss and cook the dough 3-5 minutes depending on the heat til dough is smooth and slightly transparent on the surface
  5. Remove and set aside on an oiled container
  6. Just before serving, coat with peanut powder and cut into bite size
* The process can be done in 15 minutes max
* I usually double the recipe above for the whole family to enjoy - my parents and sister - that is, not my kids :)

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