Monday, January 31, 2011

Almond Sugee Cookies

Saw this Sugee Cookies recipe from QBB website, but since I have a pack of grould almond still untouched, I decided to add in some to the cookies
After adding grond almond, the cookies is still soft and crumbly - such a pleasant to eat them :)

Look at these cutie little balls - I like to see the cracks - the recipe said that's from the baking soda used

After bitten by me hehe...

What you need:
( I made half of the recipe)

125g ghee
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
250g plain flour
1 tsp baking soda
85g icing sugar
1/3 tsp fine salt
75g ground almond

Melt ghee in the microwave, low heat for approx 20 seconds - let cool
Add vanilla essence to the cooled ghee
Sift plain flour, baking soda, icing sugar, salt - add in ground almond
Pour ghee onto the flour mixture, knead well til form firm dough
Make balls and arrange on baking tray (each ball is 1 tsp)
Bake in preheated oven of 180degC for 15mins (til cooked but not brown)
Cookies should be white in color and crumbly

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