Monday, March 12, 2012

Pan Fried Tilapia (Happy Call) & Stir Fry Mixed Vegetables

I have just purchased ochre jumbo Happy Call double sided pan, after much consideration for the past few weeks and seeing the craze going on among food bloggers

For my first experience, I chose fish since no doubt I love fish, but every encounter with fish on normal frying pan has never been pleasant at all
The smoke, the smell, the splattered oil, the super oily fried fish, the tedious stove cleaning...

I was very satisfied with the whole process and the result as well, really worth buying! :)

The fish was cut into two, marinated and fried, and the frying process has turned to a pleasant experience this time :)
Too bad one of the fish lost its precious tail LOL

I've done this recipe before, you may view it HERE

And this is the companion, stir fry mixed vegetables

What you need:

2 cloves of garlic, crushed
carrot, sliced
cabbage, cut
salt, pepper, light soya sauce, a little sugar, water, a little cooking oil

Heat oil on frying pan, sautee garlic til fragrant, add in carrot, followed by water, stir well
Add in salt, pepper, light soya sauce, sugar, lastly, cabbage
Simmer til vegetables turned soft enough (I like vegetables with crunch)
Adjust taste, off heat

Simple, yummy and nutritious meal, isn't it? :)

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