Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It's moving time!


It's official. Our house has sold. Our new house should close today and we will be moving into the new home on Friday! I can't tell you what a long and exhausting journey this has been. Listing our house and keeping it "show ready" clean with two kids & two cats was not a lot of fun. We were so happy when we finally had a buyer who loved and wanted our home. We were also extremely thrilled and lucky that the house we loved the most, after previewing several, was still available. We couldn't be happier! All of us are sick of living in boxes and we are very excited to move into our new home. I will be taking the next week off of blogging so I can finish packing our house, move into our new home, and unpack and get settled. I'll be back to cooking in my brand new (to me) kitchen soon.


I also wanted to let you know that I will be moving my blog to new site. I am so excited to have a cleaner, nicer, and more user friendly website. One of the most exciting parts is that the blog will have a recipe index for all of my nearly 900 recipes. Searching and finding old and new recipes will be SO MUCH EASIER!!! I'll keep you posted when the new site is up and ready to go.

Since I have been feeling overwhelmed and stressed by all of the packing and moving I have been totally craving comfort food. Here are some of my favorite recipes that always make me feel comforted...

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