Monday, May 16, 2011

Wonton Soup

Having  a few different recipes for both dumpling and wonton, I did this recipe first from Lidia's site since it has step by step guide on the shaping part (she showed 3 different kinds) but I ended up doing my own way - taught by my mum :P

What you need:

200g chicken breast - diced
200g prawn - deveined
chopped spring onion
3cm ginger - cut small
4 shallots - cut small
6 garlic - cut small
oyster sauce, fish sauce, pepper, sesame oil,
1 tbsp corn starch
ready to use wonton skin

Blend together chicken, prawn, ginger, shallots, garlic, oyster sauce, fish sauce, pepper, sesame oil til smooth - set aside...filing is done

Put 1 tsp of the filling at the centre of the wonton skin, fold to form triangle shape
Using a little water, glue the left and right corner together upright (going above the filling), push the bottom part (below the filling) upwards a little to make the shape looks better (be gentle to avoid the sking from tearing)
===> I know it's not easy to imagine what I wrote above, I'll try to take a snap of how to do step by step the next time I make this again ya :)
For steps from Lidia, you may hop to her blog I mentioned above

For the soup, stir fry 3 cloves of garlic with a little oil, throw in a pot of chicken stock (I boiled a pot of water with chicken bone), add in the wonton - they'll float when cooked
Throw in some cut xiao ba chai and chopped spring onion, season with salt, pepper and a little chicken stock powder

I did deep fry some of the wonton too but didn't take a picture of them :)

Overall, this recipe is not too bad - shall try the others next time :)

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