Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mom's Salsa

My mom made the best salsa when I was a kid. I would look forward to coming home from school to eat that delicious salsa with chips. It had a bit of a kick and was loaded with flavor. I have a great recipe for roasted salsa that I make quite often but I haven't made my Mom's salsa in years. My generous neighbor Jack just loaded me up with freshly picked tomatoes and jalapenos from his garden and I thought they would make the perfect salsa. It's so easy to make and it tastes fantastic. My children absolutely love it and can't get enough. Thanks for the great recipe Mom!

  • 10 fresh tomatoes
  • 2-3 green onions
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • Handful of cilantro
  • 1-2 jalapenos, seeded and deveined (unless you want it spicy)
  • Sea salt and fresh cracked pepper to taste
Clean tomatoes, remove stem, then gently cut an X on the bottom of the tomatoes. Heat a large pot of water until boiling. Add the tomatoes and boil for 10-15 seconds. Remove from water and put into an ice bath. Once the tomatoes have cooled, gently peel off the skin.

Place tomatoes, garlic, green onions, cilantro, jalapenos, sea salt and fresh cracked pepper in a food processor or blender. Puree until thoroughly mixed. Taste and re-season if necessary. Letting it sit in the refrigerator for a few hours lets the flavors combine and makes the salsa taste even better. Enjoy!

Click here for a printable version of this recipe - For the Love of

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