Thursday, April 11, 2013

Ayam Percik Kelantan

My first post for Malaysian Food Fest Kelantan
Saw this in Gert from My Kitchen Snippets and was drooling over it, furthermore no spices, my kids would eat :)

I took photos before dinner time, since I cooked this dish for dinner. Worst time of photo taking... I know... So pardon the no quality photos here LOL

The chicken was indeed tasty, and the sauce just made it better
I also cooked garlic butter rice to eat with it, and it went so well together
My kids loved eating the rice mixed with a little of the sauce :)

I boiled my chicken with pressure cooker. It was soft after boiling, but I was not so sure why it turned out a little tough after baking. I only could think that I over baked it, but timing wise it was even lesser than recommended time, and my oven temperature is usually at the lower side
Nevertheless, we enjoyed this dish :)

Recipe can be viewed HERE
I doubled up the ingredients to boil the chicken since I used whole free range chicken

For garlic butter rice, I sautéed a few cloves of crushed garlic with butter, added in overnight rice, sprinkled some garlic salt and garlic oil, and that's it :)

I am submitting this post to Malaysian Food Fest, Kelantan Month hosted by My Kitchen Snippets

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