Tuesday, October 9, 2012

ABC October 2012 - Honey Oatmeal Bread

Another nice bread I baked for ABC from the book The Weekend Baker by Abigail Johnson Dodge
Looking at the name, it made me somehow knew I'd love this bread, and it's true :)

This bread is soft, moist, aromatic and sweet from the honey and tasty, too with yummy buttery crust at the top
I didn't need anything else to enjoy this bread, I ate it plain
I had a confession to make, when the bread was just out from the oven, I couldn't wait I ate four slices at one go! *grin*
Yes, it's that good!
It's still good the next day, I just popped into oven for awhile just before eating
Microwave would be good too, only no crusty top, which I don't mind cos the taste is still really nice

I followed the recipe to the dot but I used two 20x10 cm loaf pans, also I used bread flour instead
Used breadmaker to do the kneading and first proofing, divided the dough into two hence my rather short bread :)
Due to the size, my baking time was only 25 minutes

Do check out other members who baked this lovely bread HERE

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