Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Banana Chocolate Sprinkles Cake Pops

I was trying one of the recipe have been in my to do list for quite sometime, moist banana cake from Edith's site, when I realized there's something wrong with my oven, I guess the temperature dropped, the cake was only fully baked after an hour while Edith wrote it only took 20 minutes to bake!
As a result, the cake didn't turn out nice, it sunk, and the texture was dense and the cake was heavy. Eating the cake was no fun at all :(

So, since LBT challenge this month is cake pops, I decided to trasnform the disappointment into something for others to enjoy, in this case - the kids :)

I crushed most of the cake with my own hand to relieve my sorrow LOL
Mixed it with Martha Stewart cream cheese frosting til it's sticky enough to shape, shaped into balls
Dipped lollipop sticks in melted dark chocolate and white chocolate and poked the balls with them, immediately kept them in the fridge for an hour

The white and dark chocolate dips, pearls, stars and hearts sprinkles, gummies, and the styrofoam board

After an hour in the fridge, dip the pops into the chocolates and sprinkles as desired and put it standing upright by poking the sticks into the styrofoam board, and chilled overnight

And here is mine...

This one was just dipped plain without any sprinkles, I prefer to bite without sprinkles :P

Ok, I was feeling a little better after seeing the little pops and watching my kids happily munching on them. Sorrow turned to joy LOL

Now, gotta call the oven service centre to ask them to give it a check *sigh*

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