Sunday, May 6, 2012

Breaded Fried Fish Fillet

This was originally from fish and chips recipe from MamaFaMi's site but this time I served this dish with rice and soup for the kids since they, especially Abby, doesn't really like 'dry' plain white rice

Very nice indeed, either with chips or rice, it doesn't really matter :)

2 fillet of fish (I used premium sutchi, tilapia / dory would be nice too)
1 tsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp pepper
1 tsp salt
1 cup plain flour
1 egg white
enough japanese panko breadcrumbs
enough oil for frying
  1. Wash fish and pat dry with kitchen towel
  2. Coat with lemon juice, salt and pepper
  3. Coat with plain flour
  4. Dip in egg white and followed by breadcrumbs
  5. Deep fry in hot oil til golden brown
Simple and nice :)

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