Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Indonesian Style Stewed Pork In Soya Sauce (Bakmoy)

Hope everybody had a great time yesterday on Valentine's day :)
I & my family never really celebrate this special day, for we think everyday is always about celebration on its way :)
Nevertheless, I thought I should do something, so I did, for dinner yesterday :P

It's just a normal plain white rice in heart shape and decorated with tomato ketchup, accompanied by homemade chicken nugget, also in heart shape :)
Simple thing it was, but it did manage to bring broad smile to my kids and DH's face
It's more than enough to me :)
Perhaps next year I'll do something fancier :)

Now, sharing another mummy's recipe
One of my childhood dish my mum always cooked :)

We Indonesians call this dish 'bakmoy'
It's actually stewed pork with prawns, eggs and tofu in sweet soya sauce
I love it, the kids love it, too bad it's not into DH's liking

What you need:

5 cloves of garlic, crushed
200g pork loin / pork block
4 eggs, hardboiled
3 blocks of firm tofu, diced and fried til golden brown
100g shrimps / 15pcs prawns, peeled, deveined and cut into 2
dark sweet soya sauce (kecap manis), salt, pepper, a little sugar
enough water and enough cooking oil
  1. Boil a pot of water with pork til cooked thoroughly
  2. Remove pork and dice
  3. Heat oil on pan and sautee garlic til fragrant
  4. Add in pork, prawns, eggs followed by water and seasonings, stir well, simmer til pork becomes soft and eggs become brown (approximately 30minutes)
  5. Add in fried tofu and, cook on high heat til boiling, off heat
  6. Serve hot with a plate (or more LOL) of rice

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