Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Indonesian Mud Kueh (Kue Lumpur)

I don't know why it's called 'mud' kueh, it doesn't taste like mud for sure LOL
This traditional delicacy is really delicious, sweet, soft and moist kueh you must try :)
Very easily found everywhere in Indonesia, but not here in Singapore
The recipe I used here is a keeper, close to the authentic ones, if not better :)

Recipe is from Ricke's site

What you need:

200g potatoes, steamed, peeled and mashed

250ml water
75g margarine
150g plain flour
125g caster sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp vanilla essence

6 eggs
200ml coconut milk, boil with 2 pandan leaves, let cool
200ml fresh milk

Topping: enough raisins

Bring to boil water and margarine, stir continuously
Lower heat, add in plain flour, stir til smooth (not stick to the wall of the pot), off heat
Add in sugar, salt and vanilla, mix well
Transfer to a bigger container, add in mashed potatoes, stir well til fully incorporated, let cool
With a mixer on low speed, add in eggs one at a time til the batter is smooth and not lumpy
Add in coconut milk and fresh milk gradually
Heat up snack maker, pour the batter (3/4 full) on each mould, cover and let cook until it's half cooked
Sprinkle with raisins. Cover and let cook til the surface is not wet, means fully cooked
Remove with mini rubber spatula

If no snack maker, you may use muffin pan and bake in the oven, but of course the texture will be different
You may view the picture of snack maker in my previous posting 

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