Monday, May 23, 2011

Sticky Caramel Chicken & Stir Fry Young Corn w/ Capsicum

I have many chicken recipes I wanted to try - this is one of them, simple and yummy :)
The rest of the recipes - please wait patiently ya hehe...

What you need:
(recipe adapted from Melly with some adjustment)

1 chicken - cut into parts ( i discarded most of the skin)
Blend together:
*6 garlic
*2 inches ginger
3 tbsps canola oil
2 tbsps light soya sauce
2 tbsps fish sauce
4 tbsps tomato sauce (can be mixed with chilli sauce)
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 tsp chicken stock powder
3/4 tsp salt
4 tbsps honey
a little water

Heat oil in frying pan, stir fry blended garlic and ginger til fragrant
Add in chicken - mix well
Add in all ingredients except honey, let simmer til chicken softened (with cover and stir occasionally)
Add some water - to prevent the chicken from getting stuck on the pan when it's too dry
After the chicken is cooked and soft, add in honey - stir well, simmer on low heat for a few minutes til sauce thickened
Adjust the taste, off heat

You may mix the remaining sauce on the pan with cooked rice - it's yummy!

I also cooked this vegetable dish - simple and delicious

What you need:

3 garlic - crushed
1 pack of  young corn - cut thinly
1 green capsicum - discard the seed, diced
1 red capsicum - discard the seed, diced
1 yellow capsicum - discard the seed, diced
oil, oyster sauce, salt, pepper, sugar, water

Heat oil on frying pan, stir fry garlic til fragrant
Add in corn - stir well
Add in all capsicum followed by oyster sauce, salt, pepper, sugar and water - mix well and simmer til all vegetables cooked - around 3 minutes
Adjust the taste and off heat
Serve immediately

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