Friday, April 29, 2011

Stir Fry Glass Noodles With Potatoes

Can't stop munching on this - it's supposed to be a dish but everytime laying eyes on it, it's like calling "come and eat me" :P
For the family, it's a dish to eat with rice... for me, it's a meal on its own

What you need:

5 shallots - cut thinly
2 large chillies - cut
3 potatoes - diced
1 packet of glass noodles
oil, water, salt, sugar, pepper, dark sweet soya sauce (kecap manis)

Heat oil in a pan, fry diced potatoes til golden brown - make sure they're submerged in the oil
Set aside
Bring to boil a pot of water, add in glass noodle and boil til soft - strain and set aside
On the same pan with a little oil, stir fry shallots til fragrant, followed by chillies til soft
Add in potatoes, a little water - stir well
Add in glass noodles, followed by salt, pepper, dark sweet soya sauce
Mix well - adjust the taste
Off heat

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