Saturday, April 23, 2011

Indonesian Style Chicken Steak (Bistik Ayam)

Haven't cooked this dish for quite sometime, the whole family loves this
Recipe is from my mum :)

What you need:

1 medium onion - julienned
400g chicken breast - lightly pounded and cut thinly
3 carrots - cut as desired
to marinade chicken: salt, pepper, dark sweet soya sauce (kecap manis), 1 heaped tbsp cornflour, a pinch of ground nutmeg
a little oil, water, salt, pepper, sugar, kecap manis, tomato ketchup, cornflour

Marinade chicken and set aside for at least 1 hour
Heat oil in frying pan, stir fry onion til soft and fragrant
Add in chicken, stir well til cooked, add in carrots, stir well
Add in water, salt, pepper, sugar, kecap manis, ketchup - mix well
Adjust the taste
Add in more cornflour if it's not thick enough
Simmer til the carrots soften (approximately 5mins)
Off heat

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