Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Chocolate Loaf - Another Recipe (Bread maker)

After baking the super soft chocolate loaf the other day - and fell in love with it, I wanted to try when I saw a different recipe for chocolate bread at ReeseKitchen
Was lazy to do the chocolate chips thingy though, so I just did the bread
The result...another wonderful chocolate loaf, more to the sweeter side - guess cos I added some chocolate chips in it, but texture wise, it's as soft as the first recipe I did! Yum!

Very soft bread!

What you need:

20g castor sugar
1/2 tsp salt
15g beaten egg
165g cold water
5g instant yeast
40g condensed milk
5g cocoa powder / chocolate powder (I used cocoa)
250g bread flour
50g cake flour
5g milk powder
30g butter
60g chocolate chips

Using breadmaker:
Put in egg, water, condensed milk followed by bread flour, cake flour, sugar, salt, cocoa powder, milk powder, and lastly, yeast
Set into basic programme for 500g bread with medium crust and press start
Once all incorporated, add in butter
Add in chocolate chips when the machine gives signal
Take the loaf out from the pan as soon as it's finished baking, and leave to cool for 30 - 45mins before cutting
Keep the balance in airtight container or sealed plastic bag

I'll definitely bake this loaf again - next time with the chocolate chips in it, visible ones :)

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