Monday, March 21, 2011


This Dutch version if mini pancake - is very popular among Indonesians, including me
Can check out more details HERE
It's really yummy usually eaten with icing sugar but I also like to eat them with maple syrup or chocolate syrup

My dear mum brought the mould that can be put on a gas stove sometime back, including the recipe book quite sometime back and somehow left untouched

Suddenly I had the craving - what a perfect time, when I still have no mixer around!
Sometimes when you really want something, you don't mind to go through anything
Like me, I dont mind whisking the eggs and sugar at the beginning stage for 30mins! :P
It's really worth it!

Look at these cute little balls - I guess I must have overbaked a little cos I was concerned its not well cooked at the centre  *grin*
What you need:

5g bread improver
2 eggs
1 tsp sugar
200g plain flour - sieved
1/2 tsp salt
500ml warm milk
50g melted butter

Beat eggs, sugar and bread improver til fluffy
Add in flour, salt and milk, and butter beat in low speed til well incorporated
Prepare the mould, preheat in medium fire
Fill in the holes til full, reduce the fire to low
After the bottom becomes brownish, turn the other sides
Leave in covered pan for around 7mins
Off heat and trasnfer to serving plate

Sprinkle with icing sugar / maple syrup / chocolate syrup just before eating
Best eaten while still warm

Honestly I'm not sure if I got the texture right - whether it should be hollow inside or not, can't remember when the last time I bought this snack - hence my doubt
Or perhaps it's hollow cos I didnt whisk properly - not too sure either
But hey, it  tasted really yum - a little crisp outside and so soft inside - Abby and DH love them - not Ian though - he always more fond to savoury snacks

DH already asked me when I'm gonna make them again, I said only when I get my mixer cos I dun think I want to experience hand whisking for 30mins for the second time heheheh...

We'll see whether I still get the same texture when I make this again after getting my mixer next weekend :)

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