Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bake Along #33 - Remastered: Japanese Choux Pastry

Baked this sometime ago and failed miserably
You may view the 'choux with hat' HERE

With Bake Along theme this month - cream puff, I knew it's time for me to give this recipe another try
But this past two weeks has been a very busy time for me, so I only managed to bake this today

Ian was sick, I mean really sick, started with mild cough on Monday last week
Then it started to get worse, broguht him to our family doctor and he had 3 days MC last week - Wednesday to Friday, high fever with very bad phlegmy cough and blocked stuffy nose. His fever was so high, it's so rare to see the thermometer below 39deg, it's always between 39-40deg, shivered badly, vomitted numerous times, diarrhea and tummy pain - it's a 3 days of nightmare

Even with antibiotics, his condition was not getting any better on Monday morning, so I had to bring him to KK Hospital on that morning, did blood test and X-ray, and he's diagnosed with mild asthma and respiratory infection and gave him a week MC with a series of medication and reliever puff

Reached home, I started giving him the medication and to my horror, at night I saw his eyes were swollen and red, and soon rashes started to appear all over his body
The very next morning which was yesterday, I brought him back to KK Hospital and doctor said he might be allergic to the antibiotic since he never took this type before
So I had to stop giving him the antibiotic and gotta give him syrup for allergy for the next 4 days

Thank God since yesterday afternoon til now, his fever has stopped completely
Now he's more alive, appetite is slowly coming back, rashes only a little left and nomore swollen eyes. Cough and runny nose is much much better, too
He's now still on MC and will be back on Monday

Parent's nightmare is when the child is sick, indeed
So glad the real Ian is back now, a kind of miss his mischievousness :P

Okay now back to my today's bake
Here's the pics, so glad I could bake it right this time :)
I made two fillings, vanilla rhum and chocolate

Full recipe can be viewed HERE

With chocolate filling...

With vanilla rhum filling...

This is for Bake Along event, hosted by Joyce, Zoe and Lena

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