Friday, August 31, 2012

Healthier Chocolate Cupcakes (Happy Call) For Teacher's Day Gifts & Healthy Baked Sweet Potato Fries

No eggs, no butter, less sugar
A healthier choice for this sweet fudgy rich moist soft chocolate cake
I baked this using Happy Call, the result is similar to steamed cake
I guess baking with oven will give fluffier texture

I was worried the cake would rise too high so I poured only half the mould hence the short cupcakes :)

I decorated some of them for Teacher's Day gifts for my kids

I bought the container which can be of a use, and decorated the cover with self made ribbon, hence the decent shape :)

Recipe is from Passionate About Baking

What you need:

180g all purpose flour
130g sugar (reduced by 30% and it's just nice for me)
30g unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup hot water
90ml canola oil
1 tbsp distilled white vinegar
1/2 tbsp vanilla extract
  1. Sift together flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, salt
  2. Combine water, oil, vinegar, vanilla in a large cup
  3. Add to the dry ingredients and whisk just until combined, a few lumps are ok
  4. Oil cups, pour batter half the cup
  5. Pour two mugs of water into Happy Call pan, bake small flame til tester skewer comes out clean, around 30 minutes
  6. If baking in the oven, it'll about 30 minutes at 180degC
  7. Let cool on a wire rack and decorate as desired (to eat plain is good enough to me)
I will surely try the baked version next time, this is one yummy chocolate cake recipe :)

Another healthy snack I'd like to share with you is baked sweet potato fries
Simple to prepare and yummy too
A sweet good quality sweet potato determines the end result
I used Indonesian honey sweet potatoes and it's sweet in taste

I had a little leftover blended wholemeal bread so I used it as coating and the remaining used crushed cornflakes - they're healthier options than ready to use store bought panko breadcrumbs

With wholemeal breadcrumbs coating

With crushed cornflakes coating

Left: wholemeal breadcrumbs coating. Right: crushed cornflakes coating

Both are nice, but I personally prefer the one with cornflakes coating, the contrast of salty and sweet is really great together

Recipe is from Seasaltwithfood

What you need:

2 medium size sweet potatoes, peeled and cut like french fries
1 egg, beaten
2 tbsp all purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup wholemeal breadcrumbs / crushed cornflakes
  1. Toss sweet potatoes with flour mixture, dip in egg, coat with breadcrumbs
  2. Place on baking tray, lightly spray with canola oil
  3. Bake on preheated oven of 220degC for 15-20 minutes

Original recipe used cayenne pepper, but it's too hot for the kids, so I didn't use
This snack is best eaten fresh from the oven
After an hour or two, it somehow lost its crispiness
You may toast them for 2 to 3 minutes to bring the crispiness back

I'm submitting both the cupcakes and baked sweet potato fries to  Aspiring Bakers #22: Lightened Up Cakes (August 2012) hosted by Qi Ting of A Dessert Diet

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Easy Soya Beancurd Pudding

My very first soya beancurd pudding (tau huay), a famous smooth pudding like Asian delicacy
Taste wise, really delicious
Texture wise, I would prefer this to be a little firmer. I couldn't unmould them
The next time I will add a bit more agar agar powder

Recipe is from Angel's site

What you need:

1 litre sweetened soya milk (I used Yeo's)
1/2 tsp + 1/3 tsp agar agar powder (I will increase the amount a little bit more the next time I make, to compare the texture)
  1. Dissolve agar agar powder in 1 cup of soya milk. Pour remaining soya milk in a saucepan and heat up over low heat
  2. When slightly hot, add soya and agar agar mixture, cook over low heat, stir from time to time til very gentle boil (only see bubbles at the edge of the saucepan) and continue to simmer over to low heat for 1 minute
  3. Remove from heat
  4. Pour gently over the back of a tablespoon to avoid air bubbles
  5. Scoop away bubbles on top - if any
  6. Cool to room temperature and refrigerate til set, minimum 4 hours, overnight is the best

This post today is dedicated to an event created by Alan from travellingfoodies in Facebook, "Make and Eat Tau Huay Day - 30th August 2012"
There's a story behind the event, which is related to "Diner en Blanc", an annual event originated from Paris and Singapore is the first Asian host this year
The event is scheduled today
There's a big hooha about the whole event, you may read it HERE
I'm glad I can join in the event, to support our local treats

So, let's enjoy our tau huay today! :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hainanese Pork Chop & Malacca Pengat Pisang - Blog Anniversary Giveaway!

My last submission for Malaysian Food Fest, Melaka month hosted by Cindy of yummylittlecooks

Before that, let me share this super delicious tasty Hainanese Pork Chop
We did not need anything else to eat this dish, just a bowl (or more) of hot fluffy rice

Very delicious pork chop, crusty on the outside, soft and juicy in the inside

The meat inside - juicy and tender

I love the sauce, sweet and tangy, such a perfect combination with the pork chop

Recipe is from Ellena's site with slight adjustment
What you need:
500g pork loin (8 pieces)
1 cup of saltine crackers (crushed and pulsed in food processor)
oil for deep frying
1 clove of garlic, minced
2 tsp sesame oil
2 tsp cooking wine
1 tbsp light soya sauce
1/4 tsp pepper
1 tbsp cornflour
1 egg
  1. I halved each pork loin, lightly pat each piece with meat mallet to tenderise the pork
  2. Marinate with seasoning for at least 1 hour in the refrigerator
  3. Remove marinated pork chop, coat each piece of pork chop evenly with saltine crackers crumbs
  4. Heat oil on a frying pan over medium heat and deep fry pork chop til golden brown, drain well
For the sauce:
1 tsp dark soya sauce
1 onion, cut into thin slices
4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
2 tomatoes, cut into wedges
3 handfuls of frozen green peas
some frehs pineapple cubes
enough chicken stock
tomato sauce, cornflour (diluted with a little water), sugar, a pinch of salt. a little dark soya sauce
  1. Saute the sliced onion and garlic with 1/2 tbsp of oil til brown, add in green peas and half of the tomato wedges and continue to cook for 1 minute approx
  2. Add in chicken stock, tomato sauce, sugar, salt, mix well
  3. Add in the remaining of the tomato wedges, and pineapple cubes and bring to boil
  4. Adjust the taste, pour diluted cornflour while stirring continuously, drizzle dark soya sauce while stirring fast
  5. Remove from heat, pour sauce over prepared pork chop and serve immediately
This dish is a keeper my whole family enjoyed :)

Now, this Malaccan dessert - pengat pisang
A sinful indulgence which is very similar with one Indonesian dessert called 'kolak pisang'
In fact, I did post it quite sometime back, you may view HERE
The ingredients for the flavor are exactly the same only that we do not use sago pearls but jackfruits instead. Some Indonesians like it with sweet potatoes, or even durian :)
Commonly used too is atap seed (atap chee)
This is the first time I made pengat pisang and I enjoyed it so much
Recipe is from Love To Cook Malaysia
What you need:
10 bananas (I used saba bananas, pisang raja will be the best option, though) - cut
200ml thick coconut milk (I used Kara) mixed with 1200ml water (I prefer very diluted coconut milk - not so guilty when eating LOL)
1/2 cup pearl sago
5 tbsp sugar
two blocks of palm sugar
a pinch of salt
2 pandan (screwpine) leaves - knotted
  1. Bring to a boil coconut milk mixture and pandan leaves in a large pot
  2. Add in sago, sugar, palm sugar, salt
  3. Stir til sago is transparent
  4. Add in banana, stir well
  5. Let boil and off heat
I like to it this dessert chilled :)
So, that's all I can contribute for MFF Malaka this month, I must say I and family do enjoy them so much :)
Now, as promised - even though one day late, I am now sharing my 2nd blog anniversary giveaway
Yes, I have blogged for 2 years and it feels just like yesterday when I started this blog :) 
This time, I have 2 pudding / agar agar mould on the way which I'd like to share with you guys
With this mould, you can make two flavors in one pudding / agar agar, or even a combination of cake and pudding / agar agar
I myself can't wait to give this mould a try :)
What you can do is just post a comment in this post and you'll be in the draw
I will ask my kids - Abby and Ian to random pick the 2 winners
This will be closed on Wednesday 5 September 00:00 and the draw result will be announced on the next day, Thursday 6 September
The giveaway will be for Singapore and Malaysian participants only, I must apologize, due to the size of this mould :)
Thank you for participating and good luck :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Emergency Blender Chocolate Cupcakes & Two Years Blog Anniversary

I have been really interested in trying this recipe, it's really a good decision
So easy to make, and it turned out to be a moist and tasted really good

One mistake I did, I only took pictures the day after, taken out from the fridge, the chocolate frosting was wet with condensation and I dabbed it with tissue paper, hence the pattern on top LOL

I made one recipe, and out of curiousity, I baked half with muffin tray, and steamed half with 20cm round pan
The result was totally different

The baked ones tasted like soft, quite fluffy and moist cake

The steamed one tasted more like a dense, rich, chocolaty yet soft pudding cake

I and my brother prefer the baked one, and the kids, too. DH and my sister, also my mum love the steamed one
So, it's good. Everybody gets a fair share :)

Recipe is from the book The Weekend Baker by Abigail Johnson Dodge

What you need:
(I reduced the sugar by 1/4 cup)

1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup cocoa powder
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 cup hot water
1/2 cup canola oil
1 large egg
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  1. Preheat oven to 190 degC
  2. Line muffin tray with cupcake liners
  3. Mix flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, and salt in a blender. Blend on medium speed covered
  4. Add in water, oil, egg and vanilla. Cover and blenf on medium high speed til smooth and well belnded, stopping once or twice to scrape down the sides
  5. Pour into muffin cups 2/3 high, bake on medium rack for 20 minutes or til tester skewer comes out clean, let cool
  6. (For steaming, preheat steamer and pour batter in a lined round pan and steam over medium heat for 45 minutes til tester skewer comes out clean, let cool)
Fudgy frosting:
(I reduced the sweetener quite a bit cos I used semi sweet chocolate instead)
8 oz semi sweet chocolate chips
8tbsp unsalted butter
1/8 cup light corn syrup
3tbsp condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
pinch of salt
  1. Melt together chocolate chips and unsalted butter (double boiled or in microwave)
  2. Add in condensed milk, corn syrup, vanilla and salt. Whisk til well blended. It will thicken as it cools
  3. After completely cooled, cover with plastic wrap til ready to use
When the cake is completely cooled, spread a dollop of the frosting on top

Btw, today is my second blog anniversary! :)

(pic courtesy of

Time flies, really!
So far, I am still so glad that I started blogging two years back, one of the best decision I ever made!
I got to know many new friends with the same passion, got to experience cooking and baking things I never thought I would do too!
Blogging has become one of my hobby and I'm still hooked til now, more than ever!

I'm a self taught cook and baker at home which never attended even one cooking and/or baking class, blogging has given me priceless knowledge for me to improve even more :)
Not only that, I (try) to pick up skills in taking snaps of my food by looking at georgeous pictures I always find in all blogs
I learnt too that even though the subject is our passion - food, but basically blogging brings out our very own character in our writing, which I enjoy very much
And for those things, many thanks to you all, my dearest friends :)

This time, I have some giveaways to share my joy for blogging
I will reveal in my post tomorrow okie... Need to zzzz now, it's 12.30am now :)
Good night!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bake Along #31 - Orange Chocolate Whoopie Pies

This is the second whoopie pies I made, in conjunction with Bake Along event hosted by Zoe, Lena and Joyce

Recipe is from Sweet Pea's Kitchen - lemon whoopie pies
I used oranges instead, and I used dark chocolate ganache for the filling

I used two different method in shaping the cookies
The first picture below used baking sheet and I dropped 1 1/2 tbsp of the batter
It turned out to be flatter and wide

The second one I used muffin tray with cupcake liners, I dropped 1 tbsp for each cookie
It turned out to be fatter and smaller in size
The patterns at the sides of each cookie from the liners were obvious, and then I remembered when I did my first whoopie pies, I used muffin tray without liners, only lightly greased them, which gave me better shape cookies

A never fails me combination - orange and chocolate, yum!

What you need:
(I reduced the sugar usage, increase the orange juice a little and replaced buttermilk with plain low fat yoghurt)

1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
6 tbsp unsalted butter, room temperature
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp grated orange zest
1 large egg
1 1/2 tbsp fresh orange juice
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup minus 1/2 tbsp plain yoghurt

Dark chocolate ganache:
enough dark chocolate buttons, melted in a double boiler with a dollop of unsalted butter
Let cool and keep in the fridge to firm up

  1. Preheat oven to 175degC. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper
  2. In a medium bowl, sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt, set aside
  3. Beat butter, sugar and orange zest on medium speed til smooth, about 3 minutes
  4. Add in egg, orange juice and vanilla extract, mix til blended, about 1 minute
  5. Reduce mixer to low speed and add half of flour mixture, mix til just combined. Mix in yoghurt. Mix in the remaining flour mixture til just combined
  6. Drop 1 1/2 tbsp of the dough onto the prepared baking sheets, about 3 inches apart
  7. Bake for 15 minutes, til the tops feel firm and tester skewer comes out clean
  8. Remove from oven and let cool on baking sheets for 10 minutes, remove to cooling rack and cool completely
  9. Turn 1 cookies upside down, flat side facing up. Drop a large dollop of chocolate ganache onto the flat side of the cookie, leaving a 1/4 inch plain edge
  10. Place another cookie, flat side down, on top of the filling
  11. Press down slightly so that filling spreads to the edges of the cookie
  12. Repeat til all cookies are used. Place whoopie pies into the fridge for 30 minutes to firm up before serving. Serve cold

Below are many yummy whoopie pies baked by Bake Along friends, do check it out :)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Malacca Hainanese Chicken Rice Balls

I've been to Malacca once, long time ago, and this dish is one of the most memorable dish I enjoyed during my stay there
It's basically the usual chicken rice easily found in Singapore, but rice shaped in balls
But somehow the shape affects the texture of the rice and the overall taste
Nice! :)

Recipe is from Kuali via yummylittlecooks

What you need:
(with slight modification and I didn't make the ginger juice which we don't really fancy)

For the chicken:
1 chicken (about 1 kg)
5 cloves of garlic, crushed
2cm fresh ginger, crushed
1 stalk spring onion
1 tsp salt
1 cube chicken bouillon

For the rice:
2 cups long grain rice, washed and drained
2 tbsp oil
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 tsp salt and 1 tsp light soya sauce
2 pandan leaves, knotted
2 1/2 cups (600ml) reserved chicken stock

Garlic chilli sauce:
5 red chillis
2 red bird's eye chillis
15g fresh young ginger
3 cloves garlic
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp chicken stock
juice of 2 limes
  1. To prepare chicken: Rub chicken inside out with salt, stuff with ginger, garlic and spring onion. Boil water in a deep pot and put in the chicken. Make sure the water covers the whole chicken
  2. Lower the heat and simmer the chicken for 20 minutes. Turn off heat and soak chicken for 45 minutes in the stock. Remove chicken and set aside to cool. Reserve the stock for the rice
  3. To prepare the rice: Heat oil and saute garlic til fragrant. Stir in rice and fry for around 3 minutes. Place rice in rice cooker. Add in stock, salt and pandan leaves. When rice is cooked and fluffy, scoop out with a ladle and roll into balls while rice is still hot. Set aside
  4. To make garlic chilli sauce: Pound chillis, ginger, garlic. Mix with salt, chicken stock and lime juice
  5. To serve chicken: Cut chicken into serving pieces and drizzle with sesame oil and light soya sauce. Serve with chicken rice balls and garlic chilli sauce and dark soya sauce. Some slices of cucumber will be nice too

I'm submitting this post to Malaysian Food Fest, Melaka month hosted by Cindy of yummylittlecooks

Friday, August 24, 2012

Malacca Sambal Prawn Belimbing

The next and last dish I cooked using belimbing fruits, so mouthwatering! Delicious! :)

Recipe is from Joyce's site, and I saw Bee Bee also cooked this dish :)

What you need:
(I modified a little to suit my liking)

20 medium size prawns - deshelled and deveined
50g chilli paste
300g shallots - chopped
2 cloves of garlic - chopped
1 tsp fried belachan (shrimp paste)
15 belimbing fruits - cut into 2 (I used all the balance I had, around 18)
4 pcs lime leaves
1 tomato, sliced to wedges
1 medium onion, sliced to wedges
1/4 cup water, more to add if it's too thick (I did add a little more)
2/3 cup canola oil
2 tbsp tomato ketchup
salt, sugar to taste

  1. Blend shallots, garlic, chilli paste, belachan to a fine paste
  2. marinate prawns with 1 tsp of sugar, stir well and set aside
  3. Heat oil on a saucepan, add blended paste and fry around 10 minutes over medium low heat, stir frequently to avoid burning
  4. Add in lime leaves int othe 5 minutes of frying, keep stirring til paste is fragrant and separated from the oil
  5. Add in belimbing fruits and stir for 2 minutes, Add in water, stir and simmer for 2 minutes to soften the belimbing
  6. Add in prawns, tomato, salt, sugar, tomato ketchup
  7. Let boil and stir til prawns cooked through, around 5 minutes
  8. Off the heat and serve warm with many bowls of rice LOL

I'm submitting this post to Malaysian Food Fest, Melaka month hosted by Cindy of yummylittlecooks

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Indonesian Style Chicken Garang Asam & Bloggers Gathering

To share what I cooked using belimbing fruits from Alan
The first dish is garang asam - Indonesian style
We cook garang asam using chicken, instead of fish - it's spicy, sour, fragrant and so addictive that can make one eat bowls of rice :)
Having said that, I can't deny that peranakan fish garang asam is really delicious, too
After eating Alan's at the gathering, I feel like cooking that, too - soon :)

Speaking about gathering, I just had my very first bloggers gathering last Sunday
I prepared pandan steamed brownies and chocolate pudding to share with them
Such a fun time we had, what a feast we had, too! :)
I wonder why I didn't take a single snap while I was there, but luckily Wendy took many pictures and did a nice collage for each sweet and savoury goodies we enjoyed
Thanks Wendy :)

The savoury
 The sweet
Big thank you for Edith for being a great wonderful host :)
Oh and thanks to Alan too, shared some belimbing with me and gave out cute adorable containers :)
So glad I could meet face to face with many bloggers whom most of the blogs I visit frequently, and learn so much, too
Really looking forward to the next one :)
Now, the recipe for my chicken garang asam...
The recipe is from my mum

What you need:

1 free range chicken, cut
7 chicken liver / gizard, boil til soft (I used only chicken liver, I don't really fancy gizard)
5 bay leaves (daun salam)
1 tsp fried belachan (shrimp paste)
8 candlenuts, chopped
10 belimbing fruits, cut
1 large tomato, cut
300ml coconut milk (100ml coconut cream + 200ml water)
2 large red chillis - cut thick
3 large green chillis - cut thick
salt, sugar
banana leaves for the base
  1. Preheat steamer
  2. Blend together fried belachan and candlenuts til smooth
  3. Lay cleaned banana leaf in a heatproof bowl and arrange all ingredients on it : chicken, liver, bay leaves, blended belachan and candlenuts, belimbing fruits, tomato, red and green chillis, coconut milk, salt, sugar
  4. Mix all ingredients til well incorporated
  5. Steam over medium heat for 30 minutes

Note: Don't forget to cook more rice! :)

I still have some belimbing fruits, will cook my second dish soon before it turns soft :)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri

Just a short note to wish all my Muslim friends...

And to all, enjoy the long weekend :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Donuts - Another Recipe

Remember my first successful donuts?

This time, I tried another recipe. Result: as yummy, as soft and yes this also stayed soft til the next day

I thought I wouldn't be too lazy to melt chocolate buttons to make chocolate frosted donuts, but again, I was back to these three toppings - chocolate rice, grated cheddar and icing sugar
Hopefully I will be determined enough the next time I make donuts again :)

Recipe is from NCC Indonesia

What you need:
(below is 3/4 recipe)

375g bread flour
75g sugar
9g dry instant yeast
3 egg yolks
150ml water
75g butter
3/4 tsp salt

  1. Put egg yolks and water in the bread maker pan, followed by flour, sugar, yeast and salt (make sure yeast doesn't come in contact with salt) and let the machine do the kneading
  2. After 5 minutes, add in butter and let it continue kneading and also the first proofing - around 1 hour 30 minutes
  3. Take out the dough from pan and knead briefly for a few minutes to let the air bubble out
  4. Shape into big ball and leave it for 10 minutes
  5. Cut dough to 40g balls arrange on lined baking sheet, proof for 30 minutes roughly
  6. Cut a hole at the centre of each ball, and fry in a cooking pan with hot oil til golden brown
  7. Let cool, brush the top with melted butter and sprinkle chocolate rice or cheese
  8. For the balls, put in a bag with icing sugar in it, shake til the balls coated with the sugar thoroughly

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Breakfast Parfait (Donna Hay)

Simple, refreshing and healthy breakfast!

Recipe is Donna Hay site, I replaced raspberries with strawberries instead
I believe any kind of berries will be as yummy

What you need:

125g strawberries, sliced
250g low fat plain yoghurt
1/2 tbsp icing sugar
70g toasted muesli
40ml honey
extra strawberries, for garnish

Lightly crush the sliced strawberries with a fork, fold through the yoghurt and icing sugar
Divide the muesli between 2 glasses. Top each with 1 tablespoon of honey
To serve, spoon over the yoghurt mixture, top with the extra strawberries and spoon over remaining honey
Serve cold immediately

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bake Along #30 - Gluten Free Apple Cornmeal Upside Down Cake

Among all, I guess my cake will be the thinnest one
First, I baked half recipe using 8" round cake
Second, I used gluten free flour mixture hence the lack of ability for the cake to rise as nice as those with plain flour
It's so thin that I couldn't really taste the cake itself cos it's a kind of mixed together with the apple mixture
Nevertheless, this is a yummy cake that's perfect to be served as dessert with a scoop of ice cream
I was not so prepared with the final touch, I realized just before I was about to take photos that I didn't have ice cream in my freezer and I only had mini Cornetto
( as you can see from the pictures below, I used only the top part LOL )

This recipe is from Epicurious
I followed exactly but only baked half of the quantity, replacing plain flour with gluten free flour mixture (the recipe for gluten free flour mixture can be viewed HERE)
Also replacing sugar with raw sugar and I used SA fuji apples
I still found it too sweet to my liking, perhaps my sweet apples were the reason

I am also curious to know the difference from the recipe from the book itself - Bon Appetit by Barbara Fairchild, whereby no boiling water and vanilla extract used

I'll try the recipe from the book the next time I bake this again, with some points to take note of:
* to use smaller pan if I bake this half quantity :)
* to reduce the amount of sugar or use granny smith apples which is more sourish in taste
* to use plain flour too so I can see whether or not there's some difference with this gluten free type

This is for Bake Along hosted by great bakers Joyce, Lena and Zoe

Please visit the wonderful blogs below baking this yummy cake too :)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Indonesian Style Chicken Rice In Coconut Sauce (Nasi Ayam Semarang)

Indonesia is so big that even chicken rice has many different types
One of them which is I'm familiar with is the one originated from Semarang, the capital city of Central Java province
The city where I was born, hence my enthusiasm in practising to cook this dish :)

It's mainly coconut rice accompanied by a few dishes which are also cooked in coconut milk
Yum yum yum... Yeah, Indonesians love to cook dishes with coconut milk
God knows how the cholesterol level in this dish LOL
Such a big frustration to know yummy stuff is usually not recommended by dietitians wew....

What I cooked was the coconut rice accompanied by stir fry chayote in spicy coconut sauce, chicken and also eggs & tofu cooked in coconut sauce
Only 3 dishes to accompany the rice but it's pretty tedious to prepare even though it's worth the trouble since it cant be found anywhere in Singapore :)

Here's the recipe - it's from my mum...

For the coconut rice:

300g uncooked rice
100ml coconut milk (I mixed 60ml Kara coconut cream and 40ml water)
1 tsp salt
320ml water
3 pandan leaves
  1. Rinse rice and combine well with coconut milk, salt and water
  2. Set aside for 10-20 minutes, then add pandan leaves and cook in rice cooker
For the chicken dish:

1 chicken, cut

Blend together:
*1/2 tbsp coriander seeds, mix with a little water and grind
*5 shallots, chopped
*4 cloves of garlic, crushed
*a thumb size of turmeric, peeled and chopped
*a pinch of belachan (fried prawn paste)
*6 candlenuts - grated

2 bay leaves
salt, sugar
5 tbsp Kara coconut cream
  1. Boil chicken with blended ingredients and bay leaves, water, salt and sugar
  2. When the chicken half cooked, add in coconut cream and bring to boil
  3. Lower down the heat, and simmer til thick coconut layer surfaced
  4. Scoop the thick layer and transfer to a small pot, set aside
  5. Bring the chicken to boil and off heat
For the tofu and eggs dish:

the thick coconut layer from the chicken
1 bay leaf
3 blocks of firm tofu - cut and fried til golden brown

5 eggs
2 cloves of garlic - crushed
palm sugar
tamarind paste mixed with water, mix well and strain
dark sweet soya sauce (kecap manis)
  1. First, cook the eggs first: Boil eggs for 15 minutes approx, drain and peel. In a small pot, boil the peeled eggs together with garlic, water, palm sugar, a little tamarind juice, salt, and dark sweet soya sauce. Bring to boil and simmer for 15minutes, til eggs browned - off heat and drain eggs
  2. Mix thick coconut layer with water, add in bay leaf, fried tofu and the cooked eggs 
  3. Bring to boil and simmer til thickened
For the stir fry chayote dish:
2 chayotes, peel and julienned, mix with salt and squeeze by hand - rinse well, set aside
4 shallots, sliced
1 clove of garlic, crushed
a pinch of belachan (fried prawn paste)
1 tbsp blended red chillis (smooth)
2 tbsp coconut milk
salt, sugar, oil
  1. Heat oil in a pan, stir fry shallots, garlic, belachan til fragrant
  2. Add in chillis and add water
  3. Add in coconut milk, followed by salt, sugar and bring to boil
  4. Adjust the taste
  5. Add in shayote, stir well briefly and off heat
Scoop coconut rice in a serving plate, together with chicken, tofu, egg and chayote
Serve immediately

Just to share, back there in the origin city, people serve this rice dish on a plate made of banana leaf and eat with spoon made of banana leaf. Somehow, eating this way makes the dish taste even more yummy but it needs skill and practice to master eating with the spoon, not so easy :)
I googled to let you see how the spoon looks like... here it is:

You see the long slim rectangle thing on your right side? That's the spoon :)

I guess this is another great dish to fill you up for those fasting..
I submit this post to LBT Ramadhan dishes August 2012

Thursday, August 9, 2012

THB #7 - Blueberries Coffee Cake

I shared a silly story...
It happened yesterday morning when I just woke up around 7am
I checked my handphone and read Zoe's comment in my previous posting about her early post for this cake and I was literally jumped out of the bed and quickly on my pc
I was like, oh God I'm late! I haven't posted the cake I hosted! Silly silly silly... how can I forget!!!
So I quickly edited the pictures, and started typing while the rest of the family having their breakfast. DH looked at me typing my blog post cluelessly cos it's a rare sight to see me doing that in the early morning
While typing halfway I was like, eeerrr... today is 10th? Or 9th?
Then I realized that it was the 9th! An immediate feeling of relief filled me in from head to toe. Oh, I'm not late, I'm not late...yippee!
So I just continued typing and saved it and here it is, posted right in time LOL

A silly story about somebody so blur like me hahahahaha....

Ok, back to business..
I must say I am happy, really happy to have chosen this recipe
It's delicious soft cake with nice fine texture bursting with the juiciness of the berries in every bite
I used blueberries this time since I had many instock and they're quite sweet with a hint of tanginess which complimented well with the sweetness of the cake
Oh, not to forget the chopped almond on top, such a heavenly experience when I sunk my teeth on the cake, the crunchiness worked perfectly well with the cake

I mixed the berries with the batter after coating them with a little flour
I baked half recipe and used cupcakes mould for intake control - which still didn't work, cos everytime I passed my dining area and bumped my eyes on them, I would go and grab them LOL

Here's the recipe:
(half recipe)

What you need:

114g (4 ounces) cream cheese at room temperature
57g (4 tbsp) unsalted butter at room temperature
85g (half of 3/4 cup) granulated sugar
30ml (1/8 cup)fresh milk
1 large egg
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup plain flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/8 tsp salt
1 1/2 cup fresh blueberries + 1 tsp plain flour
25g (1/8 cup) firmly packed brown sugar
1/4 cup chopped almonds
  1. Preheat oven to 175degC
  2. Lay cupcake liners on cupcake tray
  3. In a large bowl, combine cream cheese, butter and granulated sugar and beat with electric mixer til light and fluffy
  4. Stir in milk, eggs, vanilla, beat thoroughly
  5. In a medium bowl, combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt. Stir to blend
  6. Add to the cheese mixture and beat til smooth
  7. Mix in flour coated blueberries into the batter, stir gently to avoid the batter turned blueish in color
  8. Spoon the batter in the prepared pan
  9. Mix brown sugar and nuts together and sprinkle evenly over the batter
  10. Bake for 30 minutes or til the cake is golden brown and cake tester skewer comes out clean
  11. Let cool and serve warm or room temperature
This half recipe gave me 11 standard size cupcakes

I'm so happy that with a blink of an eye, it's already the 7th bake of The Home Bakers, and event hosted by Joyce
The recipes are from the book Coffee Cakes by Lou Seibert Pappas
Please check out the site and other members' bakes and you're too most welcomed to participate - trust me, you'll have fun! :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Homemade Muah Chee (Happy Call)

This simple yummy sweet chewy crunchy snack is DH's favorite
So glad I could make this, and it's surprisingly so simple using Happy Call pan :)

Recipe is from Ellena's site

What you need:

1 cup glutinuous rice flour
1 cup water
1/2 tsp sugar
2 tbsp shallot oil
Peanut powder with sugar for coating (I bought ready to use pack)
  1. Sautee 4 shallots, thinly sliced with 2 tbsp oil on Happy Call pan over low heat til golden brown, remove shallot and leave the oil in the pan
  2. Mix flour and sugar in a bowl, slowly stir in water, whisk til combined
  3. Over medium low heat, heat shallot oil, swirl in the flour mixture slowly, stir with wooden spoon til form soft dough
  4. Lower heat, continue to toss and cook the dough 3-5 minutes depending on the heat til dough is smooth and slightly transparent on the surface
  5. Remove and set aside on an oiled container
  6. Just before serving, coat with peanut powder and cut into bite size
* The process can be done in 15 minutes max
* I usually double the recipe above for the whole family to enjoy - my parents and sister - that is, not my kids :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Chicken Corn Patties & Some Awards

The whole family loves these chicken patties so much, packed with added goodness from corn and french beans
A way to make my kids, especially Ian, to eat vegetables :)

I love to dip it in bottled chilli sauce but won't say no if I have to eat it plain :)

Here's the recipe, from Food4Tots

What you need:
(wigh slight modification)

200g minced chicken
1/2 large fresh corn on the cob
10 strings of fine French beans – finely diced
1 small red onion – minced
½ cup panko crumb
2 ½ tbsp cornflour
1 large egg (lightly beaten)
2 tsp canola oil

1 tsp salt
¾ tsp sugar
dash of pepper
  1. Put chicken breast, sweet corns, fine french beans and red onion into a mixing bowl and combine well. Add in breadcrumb and cornflour to the mixture
  2. Add in egg, seasoning and oil. Mix well
  3. Heat a little oil in a non-stick pan. Drop 1 heaped tbsp of batter into the pan and flatten slightly with a spatula/ fork. Lower heat and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side or until golden brown
I served the patties with the vegetable dish below, stir fry xia peck chye with enoki mushroom in oyster sauce, which I posted before
Recipe can be viewed here

Enjoyed the simple dishes yet yummy and nutritious :)

Now, a thank you message for Angeline from Angeline's Side Of Story and Jasline from Food Is My Life for passing me some awards... Thank you!
Do check out their fabulous blogs and enjoy their wonderful creations :)

This award is from Angeline

And this one is from Jasline

And I must apologize to Jasline for posting up the awards she passed to me last April!
I'm so sorry Jasline, I guess I must have been busy baking LOL

Here's the award:

The Versatile Blogger Award requirement is to pass the award to 15 bloggers while Reader Appreciation Award and ABC award require less, hence I'm passing all these three awards to these lovely and inspirational 15 bloggers below:

Please check out their outstanding blogs, you'll not regret!
They do deserve to get the awards :)

Sharing 7 things about myself is also one of requirement for The Versatile Blogger Award
So here it is...

1. I have a sweet tooth, but crazy about savoury stuff too! I just can't choose, it depends on my mood of that time
2. I can't shop alone, I'll end up buying things I don't need, but I love shopping alone!
3. I love washing dishes!
4. I have to nap! No time? Short one will do!
5. This is bad ---> Throwing and banging things will make me feel better when I'm angry! Oooppsss!
6. I am bad in remembering faces, so please bear with me if we meet before and the next day we bump into each other in another place and I can't recognize you!
7. I used to hate nuts and anything with nuts, but now I love love love munching them!

I have ever shared another 7 things about myself for another award
You may view it HERE

ABC award requires me to share things about myself in alphabetical order A-Z
For this, I really need time - hope you all understand, this really needs time to think :P

Thank you again, Angeline and Jasline, I have passed back the awards to you, simply cos I have to choose you too!
These awards do give encouragement in the things we love and passionate about - blogging and spending time in the kitchen LOL

Have a great week!