Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hainanese Pork Chop & Malacca Pengat Pisang - Blog Anniversary Giveaway!

My last submission for Malaysian Food Fest, Melaka month hosted by Cindy of yummylittlecooks

Before that, let me share this super delicious tasty Hainanese Pork Chop
We did not need anything else to eat this dish, just a bowl (or more) of hot fluffy rice

Very delicious pork chop, crusty on the outside, soft and juicy in the inside

The meat inside - juicy and tender

I love the sauce, sweet and tangy, such a perfect combination with the pork chop

Recipe is from Ellena's site with slight adjustment
What you need:
500g pork loin (8 pieces)
1 cup of saltine crackers (crushed and pulsed in food processor)
oil for deep frying
1 clove of garlic, minced
2 tsp sesame oil
2 tsp cooking wine
1 tbsp light soya sauce
1/4 tsp pepper
1 tbsp cornflour
1 egg
  1. I halved each pork loin, lightly pat each piece with meat mallet to tenderise the pork
  2. Marinate with seasoning for at least 1 hour in the refrigerator
  3. Remove marinated pork chop, coat each piece of pork chop evenly with saltine crackers crumbs
  4. Heat oil on a frying pan over medium heat and deep fry pork chop til golden brown, drain well
For the sauce:
1 tsp dark soya sauce
1 onion, cut into thin slices
4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
2 tomatoes, cut into wedges
3 handfuls of frozen green peas
some frehs pineapple cubes
enough chicken stock
tomato sauce, cornflour (diluted with a little water), sugar, a pinch of salt. a little dark soya sauce
  1. Saute the sliced onion and garlic with 1/2 tbsp of oil til brown, add in green peas and half of the tomato wedges and continue to cook for 1 minute approx
  2. Add in chicken stock, tomato sauce, sugar, salt, mix well
  3. Add in the remaining of the tomato wedges, and pineapple cubes and bring to boil
  4. Adjust the taste, pour diluted cornflour while stirring continuously, drizzle dark soya sauce while stirring fast
  5. Remove from heat, pour sauce over prepared pork chop and serve immediately
This dish is a keeper my whole family enjoyed :)

Now, this Malaccan dessert - pengat pisang
A sinful indulgence which is very similar with one Indonesian dessert called 'kolak pisang'
In fact, I did post it quite sometime back, you may view HERE
The ingredients for the flavor are exactly the same only that we do not use sago pearls but jackfruits instead. Some Indonesians like it with sweet potatoes, or even durian :)
Commonly used too is atap seed (atap chee)
This is the first time I made pengat pisang and I enjoyed it so much
Recipe is from Love To Cook Malaysia
What you need:
10 bananas (I used saba bananas, pisang raja will be the best option, though) - cut
200ml thick coconut milk (I used Kara) mixed with 1200ml water (I prefer very diluted coconut milk - not so guilty when eating LOL)
1/2 cup pearl sago
5 tbsp sugar
two blocks of palm sugar
a pinch of salt
2 pandan (screwpine) leaves - knotted
  1. Bring to a boil coconut milk mixture and pandan leaves in a large pot
  2. Add in sago, sugar, palm sugar, salt
  3. Stir til sago is transparent
  4. Add in banana, stir well
  5. Let boil and off heat
I like to it this dessert chilled :)
So, that's all I can contribute for MFF Malaka this month, I must say I and family do enjoy them so much :)
Now, as promised - even though one day late, I am now sharing my 2nd blog anniversary giveaway
Yes, I have blogged for 2 years and it feels just like yesterday when I started this blog :) 
This time, I have 2 pudding / agar agar mould on the way which I'd like to share with you guys
With this mould, you can make two flavors in one pudding / agar agar, or even a combination of cake and pudding / agar agar
I myself can't wait to give this mould a try :)
What you can do is just post a comment in this post and you'll be in the draw
I will ask my kids - Abby and Ian to random pick the 2 winners
This will be closed on Wednesday 5 September 00:00 and the draw result will be announced on the next day, Thursday 6 September
The giveaway will be for Singapore and Malaysian participants only, I must apologize, due to the size of this mould :)
Thank you for participating and good luck :)

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