Wednesday, July 4, 2012

ABC July 2012 - Classic Fruit Tart

It's so coincident that Abby asked me to make fruit tarts when I planned to bake this month's ABC bake
So, here it is, fruit tart from the book The Weekend Baker by Abigail Johnson Dodge
with Abby chose the fruits :)

The good thing about this recipe is that it's a make ahead recipe, you can bake the crust today and only make the cream the next day
Even the dough can be kept in the freezer for up to 1 month!
I did everything in one day, though, since I had the time to do all and I didn't think my little girl could wait :)

The dough was not too easy to handle but it's really worth the effort
I didn't roll the dough, I found it easier to just press it on the pan

Too bad I don't own a loose bottom pie pan, so cutting a slice and lifting it up is quite a struggle :)

The tart is really super, I really love the crust, really delicious
Munching it together with the super yummy pastry cream with fruits bursting in your mouth, it's really heavenly

The pastry cream had to be constantly in the fridge, it turned soft pretty quickly in room temperature - blame it on the hot humid Singapore weather!
I didn't pour real hot milk, I waited til it's lukewarm instead cos i didn't want the hot milk 'cooked' the eggs :)
And I sieved the cream too, to get rid of all the lumps

Overall it's a sweet delicious treat loved by my family :)
Great recipe!

Please view HERE for other wonderful fruit tarts baked by ABC members :)

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