Monday, May 21, 2012

THB #3 Blueberry Streusel Coffee Cake

I baked these cuppies last Saturday, and was busy with family outings only today I can post :)

Another great cake best to serve during tea time, from the book Coffee Cakes by Lou Seibert Pappas, the third bake for The Home Bakers event :)

I made 1/2 recipe, and I didn't add any nuts nor ground cinnamon
For me personally, I believe it would have tasted better with both nuts and ground cinnamon powder added, too bad DH and the kids don't like it, so gotta ommit them, if not I would be the only one finishing all LOL

For the cake, I reduced the granulated sugar by half, added baking powder to 1 1/2 tsp instead of 1, while reducing baking soda to 1/2 tsp instead of 1 (I'm talking about full recipe here)

Also, I used cake flour to replace whole wheat flour. The next time I bake this cake again, I'll stick to whole wheat flour to know how different the texture will be
Using cake flour gave finer texture and spongy too

The use of blueberries here did help a lot in giving the moisture to the cake, which I like
Furthermore, I used 1 1/2 cup blueberries for my half recipe, so much juicy blueberries in the cake...yum!
I didn't use mixer for this recipe, all mixing done by wooden spoon and balloon whisk, such an easy cake to prepare, less things to wash :P

For full recipe, please hop over to Bizzy Bakes

Please visit The Home Bakers, you'll see other members' bakes and really hope you can join in the fun too!

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