Friday, May 25, 2012

Gluten Free Cassava Fudgy Brownies

Good knowing for once I can make gluten free bake
I read many times, gluten takes the longest time to digest, it can be as long as 3 days!
This brownies used modified cassava flour I got from Indonesia
It has perfect texture, fudgy, a little gooey, with flaky crust on top... my kind of brownies
Taste wise, nobody will know it's gluten free.
The usage of Valrhona cocoa made this brownies taste even better. Simply delicious!

A little description about the flour adapted from Ricke's site where the recipe comes from...

Modified cassava flour (mocaf) is made from cassava made into powder form, and then processed using enzyme from yeast whom able to break down cassava flour cells resulting in finer texture, brighter white color and trace of cassava odor can be minimized to 70%
Mocaf is different from cassava flour or tapioca starch
The characteristic is very close to plain flour so it can be used for cake making
But it's gluten free, unlike plain flour, resulting in shorter cake
Replacement to mocaf can be done 100% or only partial - combining with plain flour
Only for bread making, certain percentage of high protein flour must be present, since gluten is essential to reach elasticity and to help the bread to rise well, too
What you need:

225g butter
125g dark cooking chocolate
200g mocaf
50g Valrhona cocoa powder
20g full cream milk powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
4 medium eggs
300g caster sugar
For topping: walnuts and chocolate chips
  1. Preheat oven to 180degC
  2. In a pot over low fire, melt butter and chocolate, set aside
  3. Grease 24cm square pan (height 4cm), line with baking paper, grease again, set aside
  4. Sieve mocaf, cocoa powder, milk powder, baking powder, set aside
  5. Whisk eggs and sugar til dissolved (need not to expand)
  6. Add in mixture of butter and chocolate, also vanilla, mix well
  7. Add in sifted flour mixture, stir til just combined
  8. Pour batter into pan, sprinkle with chocolate chips and walnuts, bake for 45 minutes or til skewer comes out clean
I'm linking up this post to :
* Allergy Free Wednesday #18
* Sweet Treats and Swanky Stuff Thursday
* SweetTooth Friday
* Sweets For A Saturday #71

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