Sunday, December 25, 2011

White Xmas Log Cake

This might not be the first swissroll I made but it's definitely the first log cake I did :)
Inside is a chocolate swiss roll with chocolate ganache filling
Whipping cream were used to frost the whole cake, scratched here and there using chopstick to make it similar to a log and then add a simple decoration on top
Definitely not the best log cake, but I am so glad I could do this year :)

Recipe is from Dida, one of talented cook and baker  from LBT

What you need:
(I only used half the recipe below)

6 eggs
100g sugar
75g plain flour
15g cornflour
10g milk powder
125g butter - melted
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
20ml fresh milk
1 tbsp ovalette (optional)
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tbsp chocolate paste

Grease swiss roll pan with butter, line with baking paper and grease again, set aside
Preheat oven 200degC
Beat eggs and sugar til frothy on high speed, add in ovalette, continue to beat
Lower speed to low, add in sifted plain flour, cocoa powder, cornflour, milk powder
Followed by adding vanilla and chocolate paste, beat a while more
Add in fresh milk, mix well then change back to high speed and beat til ribbon stage, thick and creamy
Off mixer
Add in 1/4 of the batter into the melted butter and stir til evenly mixed and pour back into the remaining batter, fold in til mixed
Pour the batter into the pan and bake for approximately 12-15minutes
After  cooked, leave to cool and then spread with the desired filling, roll using baking paper and decorate

I'm submitting this log cake to  Aspiring Bakers #14: Creative Christmas Bakes (December 2011) hosted by Hankerie

Also, once again I'd like to participate in White Christmas Challenge organised by Very Good Recipes via Quay Po Cooks

Once again, Merry Christmas everybody...enjoy your holiday :)

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