Sunday, May 1, 2011

Homemade Pizza - Another Recipe

Adapted from my breadmaker recipe book, quite good but I still prefer my first recipe
This one is a little less fluffy even though it's still soft

After bite:

What you need:
(3 pizza base of 10")

250ml water
1 tbsp olive oil
450g bread flour
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp dried instant yeast

Put the above ingredients in the above order except yeast in the breadmaker pan
Make a well in the centre but not down as far as the liquid and add yeast
Insert the breadpan in the breadmaker and lock, select pizza dough programme from the menu
Press start. Lightly oil a pizza pan or baking sheet
At the end of the cycle (1hour 30minutes) turn the dough out onto a lightly floured  surface
Gently knock back the dough. Roll out into a 10" round and place in the prepared pan or on the baking sheet
Preheat oven to 220degC
Spread the tomato base over the pizza base (I used Prego pasta sauce - roasted parmesan garlic)
Sprinkle the rest of the ingredients ( I use ham slices, button mushroom slices, diced pineapple slices and grated mozzarella cheese)
Bake for 15minutes or til golden and serve immediately

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