Saturday, April 30, 2011

Green Banana Roll Ice Dessert (Es Pisang Ijo)

This is a famous dessert originally from Makassar - South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Nice and refreshing - nowhere to be found in Singapore though
Only can use king banana (pisang raja), the kind of banana which not easy to find in Singapore - again luck is on my side, managed to find it and it's a good quality one :)

Saw the recipe at Ricke's site and decided to give this a try
Easy to make the dough, but I really need further practice in shaping them
The end result is not so smooth and cracked a little here and there and I think the green color could be lighter :)
However, the taste is wonderful - especially with the hot humid Singapore weather lately

If you view Ricke's lovely picture, you can see how smooth her green dough is - really need to practise to rolling and shaping them :)

Nice to eat with crushed ice and special syrup - we Indonesian call it "campolay syrup" - originally from Cirebon - West Java, Indonesia
Managed to google the picture - I have a bottle in the fridge but too lazy to take picture of it :P

What you need:

For the dough:
5 ripe king bananas - steamed and peeled
125g plain flour
300ml coconut milk (I used 200ml Kara + 100ml water)
1/2 tsp lime stone paste / slaked lime water (details HERE (in Indonesian = air kapur sirih -> can omit)
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsps sugar
1 tsp pandan paste
2 drops green food coloring (optional - I added and I found its a little too dark green)
1 tbsp butter

For the coconut sauce:
400ml thick coconut milk
1 pandan leaves - torn
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp vanillin powder
2 tbsps sugar
3 tbsps corn flour - mix with 4 tbsps water

Mix  coconut milk, lime stone paste, salt, sugar, pandan paste, green coloring - stir til well incorporated
Put sieved flour in a pot
Pour the coconut milk mixture slowly while stirring continuously til smooth
Cook on low fire - always stir
Add in butter, stir til butter melted and well mixed with the dough
Keep on stirring til the dough is smooth and is not sticky
Off heat

Brush clingwrap with a little oil
Add on 3 tbsps dough, flatten
Add 1 banana on it, roll tight with the clingwrap as you do on swissroll
Shape like a banana - wrap tight
Arrange on a steamer and steam fo 20 minutes on medium heat
After cooked, open up the clingwrap, let cool

For the sauce:
Mix all ingredients except cornflour mixture, bring to boil
Add in cornflour, stirring continuously til thicken

How to eat:
Arrange cut green banana with the sauce and crushed ice (as shown in the picture)
Mix and pour syrup over it
Eat immediately

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