Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Camping Cuisine - Breakfast Sandwiches

One of the best things about camping is drinking your morning coffee around the campfire and eating a tasty breakfast. I always seem to have a huge appetite while camping, maybe it's the fresh air, or all the activities and adventures we do, or maybe I just love food. I made breakfast sandwiches with scrambled eggs, mushrooms, onions and cheese one morning and they were so good. I served them with a hash brown patty (Trader Joe's), turkey sausage and turkey bacon. It was a filling and delicious breakfast that was quick and simple to make.
  • 12 eggs, whisked thoroughly
  • 6 oz of mushrooms, sliced
  • 1/2 sweet yellow onion, diced
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • English muffins
  • Sea salt and fresh cracked pepper
  • Cheddar cheese

Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Once the pan is hot, add mushrooms and onions and saute for about 5 minutes or until tender and golden brown. Add the egg mixture and slowly cook turning frequently. Once the eggs are cooked, remove from heat and add cheese and season with sea salt and fresh cracked pepper. Scoop eggs onto an English muffin and serve. Enjoy.

The beautiful outdoors

The Clackamas River

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