Sunday, April 7, 2013

THB #15 Orange-Frosted Sponge Cake

I baked this soft, fluffy and yummy cake yesterday and I was out the whole day today so I only can post now, luckily I'm still in time phew.... :)

First pic - last night just after I poured the frosting

The pics below - taken this morning

This cake is more to chiffon cake, to my opinion. I reduced the sugar used for egg yolks mixture to 1/2 cup from 1 cup and for egg whites mixture to 1/3 cup from 1/2 cup, and I found the sweetness is just nice for me. In fact, I didn't mind eating it plain without frosting :)

I used bundt pan since my chiffon pan with removable bottom is too small in size. I did struggle a little to remove the cake from the pan, hence the not so smooth top, and the frosting didn't help much to cover it up since the frosting I made was not smooth enough, either :(
And I found it's a little too runny for me, perhaps cos I only used half quantity of icing sugar than recommended. Nevertheless, it added some sweetness to the not so sweet cake, also infused more orange fragrance and taste, and best of all, it still can set very nicely the next day after kept overnight in airtight container in room temperature :)

I prefer to it the next day after the frosting has really set, very nice :)
Those who loves light fluffy cake must try this cake :) No oil, no butter, no guilt LOL

I'm submitting this post to The Home Bakers hosted by Joyce from Kitchen Flavours
where we bake recipes from the book Coffee Cakes by Lou Seibert Pappas
This recipe was chosen by Mimi from MiMi Bakery House
Please view the full recipe HERE

Want to view other members bake this cake? Click HERE

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