Thursday, April 4, 2013

Stewed Meatballs

Another simple dish from my mum which she got from her mum, my grandma :)


What you need:

For the meatballs:
200g minced pork
1 tbsp fried onion, processed til smooth
1 egg
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
dark sweet soya sauce (kecap manis)
salt, pepper to taste

For the soup:
3 cloves of garlic, minced
a little oil
dark sweet soya sauce (kecap manis)
salt, pepper to taste
a little sugar
a pot of water


Mix all ingredients for meatballs. Shape into balls. Set aside
Bring a pot of water to a boil
Heat oil in the non stick pan, sautee garlic til fragrant and pour into the boiling water
Add in meatballs one by one into the soup til all floating up
Add in seasonings and adjust the taste, simmer for about 15 minutes
Remove from heat

I love to eat this dish with a bowl of rice and sambal belachan (chilli paste with shrimp paste)

I'm submitting this post to:  Aspiring Bakers #29:Heirloom and Local Dialect Recipes 家传菜/ 籍贯菜 (March 2013 ) hosted by FHL of Faith Hope Love

Small Small Baker/Aspiring Bakers

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