Sunday, August 5, 2012

Green Banana Roll Ice Dessert (Es Pisang Ijo) - Another Recipe

My second time making this dessert after coicidently found my beloved pisang raja
This time I used Hesti's recipe
What can be more authentic than making this dessert using recipe from somebody originally from its origin? Yes, es pisang ijo is originally from Makassar (Southern Sulawesi proveince in Indonesia) and Hesti is from there and still lives there :)
The first es pisang ijo I made almost a year ago used different recipe which tastes as nice, though. I didn't shape it nicely that time
Well, even this time was not too neat, either, but slightly better :)
And this time I didn't put enough green color it turned out to be too pale, while last time I put too much green color til it was so bright hahaha...
Anyway, we enjoyed it so much. 10 big pieces finished overnight LOL

Eaten with 'campolay syrup' from Indonesia (picture can be viewed HERE) and the thick coconut sauce, plus some crushed ice - you'll forget how many calories it is in the bowl LOL

What you need:
(with slight modification)

The banana roll:
150g plain flour
50g rice flour
400ml coconut milk (I mixed 250ml kara and 150ml water)
100ml pandan water (5 pieced of pandan leaves blended together with 100ml water and strained)
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp heaped sugar
1 tbsp margarine
10 pcs very ripe pisang raja - steamed
a few drops of green coloring ( I reckon 7-10 drops will give nice color)

The sauce:
1200ml coconut milk (I mixed 700ml kara and 500ml water)
150g rice flour
1/2 tsp salt
175g sugar
2 pieces pandan leaves

How to make the banana roll:
  1. Mix together plain flour, rice flour, sugar, salt, pandan water and coconut milk til smooth, strain if neccesary
  2. Pour in a pan (I used 18cm square), steam til cooked, around 25 minutes
  3. While still hot, pour the dough in a large mixing bowl and add margarine, knead til smooth
  4. (wrap one of your hand, the one you use to knead, with a clean cloth and put in the wrapped hand in a hear proof plastic)
  5. Divide dough into 10, flatten with rice cooker spoon, arrange banana on the flatten round dough, roll slowly like rolling swissroll and shape like a banana
  6. Wrap each banana roll with clingwrap and steam on medium fire for approximately 15 minutes
  7. Transfer the rolls on serving plate, unwrap, let cool
How to make the sauce:
  1. Mix all ingredients in a pot and bring to boil over medium fire while stirring constantly
  2. Keep stirring til the sauce thickened

Serve cold with campolay syrup, crushed ice and the sauce

This refreshing dessert is a perfect companion for those break fasting :)
I submit this post to LBT Ramadhan dishes August 2012

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