Monday, April 16, 2012

Indonesian Style Kangkong Noodles (Mi Kangkung)

I'm not sure what is kangkong in English, I googled and some said water spinach, some said swamp cabbage, details can be read HERE

I do not cook this vegetable too often, not that I don't like, but not many dishes using this ingredients, not that I know of
But for this typical noodles loved by many Indonesians, it has to use kangkong, no other vegetable, otherwise the name wouldn't be kangkong noodles LOL

Recipe is from an Indonesian magazine long time ago which the recipe page I torn and kept with me

What you need:

1 tbp margarine
1 stalk of spring onion, cut
1 1/2 l water
a few pinches of chicken stock powder
400g chicken breast
1 tbsp light soya sauce
1 tbsp dark sweet soya sauce (kecap manis)
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
1 1/2 tbsp sago flour, dissolve with a little water
300g egg noodle, prepare as directed
100g kangkong, cleaned and blanched
12 quail eggs, boiled and peeled
2 tbsp fried onion for garnish

To blend together in food processor:
1 tbsp dried prawns, soak in hot water for 15 minutes, drained
6 shallots, cut
3 cloves of garlic, cut
1 tsp peppercorns, fry without oil for 1 few minutes
1 tsp salt
  1. Put water in a pot and bring to boil with chicken stock powder and chicken breast
  2. Take out chicken breast from the pot and dice
  3. Heat margarine on frying pan, sautee blended ingredients and spring onion til fragrant, off heat and add into the soup, bring to boil
  4. Add in diced chicken, kecap manis, soya sauce and sesame oil, bring to boil over medium heat
  5. Add in diluted sago flour, stir continuously til boiling and thickened, off heat
  6. Arrange egg noodles and quail eggs in serving bowls. Pour over the soup with diced chicken over the noodles and eggs. Garnish with fried onion. Serve hot with chilli paste

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