Sunday, March 4, 2012

New York Style Cheesecake

Beware! This cheesecake is highly addictive! I am one of the victim! LOL

I always think that baking cheesecake is difficult, but I was craving for this cake that I decided to give it a try
So many recipes for this type of cheesecake, I decided on this one and bingo, this is the recipe I have always wanted!

What you need:

12 cinnamon graham crackers - crushed til fine
(I couldn't find any graham crackers, yup, my luck! I used digestive biscuits instead)
4 tbsp butter, melted

4 (8 oz) packs cream cheese
1 1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup milk
4 eggs
1 cup sour cream
1 tbsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup plain flour

Note: all dry ingredients have to be in room temperature for smooth texture

Preheat oven to 175degC, grease 9" springform pan with crisco generously and wrap the half bottom with double alumunium foil
Combine crackers and butter, hand press into the bottom of the pan, keep in the fridge
Cream sugar and cheese til smooth, add in milk, followed by eggs one at a time, combining well after each, add in sour cream, vanilla, plain flour, beat til smooth
Pour on top of the prepared crust in the pan
Place pan in a bigger pan, fill bigger pan with boiling water to a level that's approximately 1/4 to 1/2 way up to the pan of cheesecake
Put in the oven, bake approximately 1 hour til just barely set (the middle part still jiggled)
Off oven and leave cheesecake inside with closed door for 5 hours til oven cool
Do not, I repeat, do not open the oven door to prevent cracking
Remove cheesecake and refrigerate (preferably overnight) before consuming

Now it's proven, making cheesecake is not that difficult after all :P

I'm posting this for Sweets For A SAturday #59

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