Monday, March 19, 2012

Creamy Scrambled Eggs With Smoked Salmon (Donna Hay)

Zoe from Bake For Happy Kids organized a very exciting blog hop event "Cook Like A Star"
and for this month, Donna Hay is the featured celebrity chef
I have bookmarked some of her delicious recipes and this is the first one I did for my breakfast yesterday
Been having sweet breakfast for quite sometime, you know... marmalade toast, nutella bread, french toast or pancake with maple syrup... Enough of all those, switched to cereal with milk, granola with yoghurt, oats with raisins... Tired of that, and I was yearning for something savoury to start my day
This is what I need :)

Such a perfect combination, I sunk my teeth at my first bite and I didn't stop til my plate was clean LOL
Really delicious and such a short time to prepare :)

I bought the sourdough from Cedele, one of my favorite eateries, and black pepper smoked salmon from Cold Storage supermarket, so the only thing to prepare was only the scrambled eggs, but I personally do not fancy too creamy types so I replaced half of the cream to fresh milk

Recipe is from Donna Hay site which I modified slightly

What you need:

4 eggs,
few pinches of salt
60ml single cream
70ml fresh milk
20g butter
100g black pepper smoked salmon
toasted sourdough
  1. Place the eggs, salt, cream and milk in a bowl and whisk well til well combined
  2. Melt in butter on frying pan over medium heat, add in egg mixture and stir for 1-2minute or til just set
  3. Arrange the eggs on toasted sourdough and put salmon on top
  • I didn't sprinkle black pepper since I used black pepper smoked salmon
  • Grated parmesan cheese can be added on top for extra flavour
I'm linking this to Cook Like A Star blog hop event featuring Donna Hay as the celebrity chef for the month of March

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