Sunday, January 15, 2012

Cinnamon & Choco Rice Pull Apart Bread

I've been craving for something with cinnamon for the past few days
Bread should be a healthier option than cakes and such, I supposed so :)
So I baked this bread, been in the list since Christmas time last year :)

Do you agree with me that this bread look like some kind of alien? LOL

And this is the choco rice version for my kids since they don't fancy cinnamon
This one pretty clearly looked like bread :)

Original recipe is from Joy The Baker's site whom did this bread so beautifully, unlike mine *grin*

I wan't really convinced with the usage of 100% all purpose flour so I didn't follow the recipe
It must have been the reason why it's not so easy to roll the dough thinly, I guess it'd be much easier if following the original recipe - in my amateur opinion :)
Perhaps next time I'll try the original version, just to satisfy my curiousity, but I think it'll be a kind of bread nice to eat on the day it's made :)

Aside from that, this bread was very well received by family, except Ian
Despite loving choco rice, he didn't fancy this bread, tried a bite and he said no *wew...
It's soft texture, even til the next day
One thing to take note also to reduce the amount of sugar used for the cinnamon mixture, it's way too sweet to our liking

Can you see how soft this bread is? :)

Recipe for the bread is from my previous bread posting

For the filling:

1 cup sugar (next time I'll use 1/2 cup caster sugar)
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
2 ounces unsalted butter, melted til browned (next time I'll use 1 ounce)

Whisk together sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Set aside. Melt butter until browned. Set aside. Grease and flour a 9x5x3-inch  loaf pan. Set that aside too

You may view the step by step pictures on how to shape and arrange this bread HERE

Will keep you posted once I try the original version :)

I'm posting this for Sweets For A Saturday #52

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