Saturday, December 3, 2011

Bread Pudding

Another version of my one favorite dessert (or breakfast, or snack LOL)
Yummy bread pudding with cheese, chocolate and raisins

Recipe is from Ricke's site

What you need:

6 stale bread, each cut into four
enough raisins
enough cheddar cheese, diced
enough chocolate rice / grated dark chocolate

3 eggs
3 egg yolks
Mix and lightly beaten

400ml fresh milk
100ml fresh cream / whipped cream / fresh milk
80g caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
50g butter, melted

For sprinkle:
grated cheddar cheese and raisins

Grease baking dish with butter, set aside
Mix eggs, milk, fresh cream/whipped cream, sugar, vanilla - whisk til well mixed
Add in melted butter, set aside
Arrange 3 bread at the bottom, pour 1/3 of the milk mixture, let it absorbed, sprinkle with diced cheese, chocolate and raisins, cover with another 3 bread, pour another 1/3 of the milk mixture, let absorb, sprinkle with diced cheese, chocolate and raisins
Bake au bain marie in preheated oven of 160degC for 45minutes to 1 hour, til golden brown
Remove from oven, leave to warm, cut and serve

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