Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bake Along #14 - Dorayaki - Japanese Pancakes

This time round I'm so very late for Bake Along event, lucky I managed to squeeze time to make some for breakfast this morning phew...

Dorayaki has been one of requests by Abby, my girl, since the first time she ate one at NEX, luckily I could find one tested recipe
Over there one counter sells a nice quality dorayaki with various toppings
I particularly love chocolate, greentea, cream cheese and of course the original red bean paste fillings
Abby loves chocolate - only, so I made chocolate filling, only :)

Recipe is from Daily Delicious with chocolate custard filling
Here's the recipe for the filling:

20g cornflour
20g plain flour
70g sugar
2 egg yolks
300ml fresh milk
unsweetened cocoa powder mixed with a little hot water (quantity as desired, I used 2 heaped tbsp of cocoa)
1 tsp chocolate emulco

Mix egg yolks and sugar also milk, put in a pot on low heat, stir til mixed well
When already hot, add in cornflour and plain flour, stir til incorporated, followed by cocoa mixture and chocolate emulco, stir well and let it cooked - keep on stirring til smooth

Personally, I would love to replace the water used with fresh milk / buttermilk to get softer and fluffier texture :P

Please hop on Lena, Joyce and Zoe's sites who host this event for their delicious treats too :)

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