Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Corn Fritters

Love this savoury snack - unlike most people, I don't like to eat this with rice :)

What you need:
(sorry this recipe is from my mum whom never use exact measurement)

4 sweet corns - cut into kernels
7 shallots
3 cloves of garlic
3 eggs
salt, pepper, sugar
approx 250g plain flour
enough water
kaemferia galanga (in Indonesian: kencur)
1/4 tsp baking powder
spring onion - finely chopped
cooking oil

Pulse corn kernels
Blend shallots, garlic, kencur
Mix all the above and add in eggs, salt, pepper, sugar, plain flour, baking powder and water til form thick batter (if too runny you may add some more plain flour)
Add in spring onion, mix well
Heat oil on pan, spoon batter with small ladle and fry til golden brown
Best eaten when its still hot

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