Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fried Tofu In Sweet Soya Sauce

This dish is originally from Central Java, Indonesia - particularly in a small city called Kudus - where my mum was born :)

What you need:

4 blocks of traditional tofu, cut into 4 sections and each section to cut into 2 parts
cabbage - thinly sliced
bean sprouts - blanched
fried shallots
oil to deep fry the tofu

For the sauce:
ground peanuts
sweet soya sauce
2 cloves of garlic - crushed
a little water
1 bird's eye chilli - crushed

Deep fry the tofu til golden brown - set aside
To make the sauce: mix all ingredients - adjust taste

Arrange fried tofu on a serving plate
Arrange cabbage, bean sprouts and pour the sauce, sprinkle with fried shallots

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