Saturday, July 2, 2011

Chocolate Cake Balls

Remember the strawberry cheese swiss roll I made yesterday?
Actually there is some leftover batter that I did bake together with the swiss roll in separate pan - same size
I was thinking I would make another swiss roll - mini one
I think my brain didn't function properly - how could I put such a little amount of batter in the pan that big?
I ended up with a super thin cake - I think it's 5mm max
And as expected, it's almost impossible to peel off the baking paper so I had to tear the cake apart pppfff...
I almost threw the cake away when suddenly I thought about cake pop
Ok, now I know what to do - I was telling myself :)

So, here it is...

Soft & moist inside...

What I did was to make the cake into crumbles, mix with a few tablespoons of chocolate ganache and sweet condensed milk (my leftover in the fridge) and a dollop of margarine
Mix them til sticky enough to form into balls
Take 1 tbsp each and form into balls, roll them on chocolate rice
Keep them in the air tight container and keep it in the fridge

As simple as that - loved by my kids especially :)
So glad I managed to make something yummy and pretty from something that I thought it'd end up in trash bin :)

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