Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Potato Buns

I've been curious how this buns taste - never tried one before, buns made with potatoes as one of the ingredients

Saw Melly made this long time ago - recipe adapted from MamaFaMi's site, I tried and satisfied with the result - but the taste is a little too plain for me, except for the top part with the custard - I ate the buns with adding some pineapple jam over it - yum! :)

Texture wise - soft and fluffy but best eaten on the day it's made...

What you need:

For the buns:
150ml fresh milk
1/2 egg - keep the balance for glazing
2 tbsp sugar
90g mashed potatoes (clean, steam til tender, peel and mash til smooth)
350g bread flour
1 tbsp milk powder
1tsp dried yeast
1/2 tbsp butter

For the custard:
2 tbsp custard powder
3/4 cup fresh milk
3 tbsp sugar

To make the custard topping:
Put all ingredients in a pot, mix well
Put the pot on low fire, keep stirring til thickened - set aside

To make the buns:
Using breadmaker:
Pour milk, egg, sugar and potatoes in the bread pan - followed by breadflour, milk powder, yeast
Set the breadmaker into dough function - let knead for 5minutes and then add in butter
It will do the process of kneading and proofing for 1hr 30mins
Divide dough into 16pcs, shape into balls
Arrange on the greased baking pan(s)
Cover and let rise til doubled in volume
Before baking, brush with egg mixed with a little fresh milk (lightly beaten both)
Pipe the custard on top as desired
Bake in preheated oven of 180degC for 25mins

Note: I found the buns best eaten on the day it's made - a little hard the next day, but texture is perfect after microwave for 15-30 seconds

I'm submitting these buns to Aspiring Bakers #8 June'11 Bread Seduction hosted by Jasmine from The Sweetylicious at this LINK

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