Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Chocolate Chocolate Chips Loaf

I made this loaf before with different recipe which was yummy, soft and fluffy, but this one below is even softer and fluffier

This recipe I did make before, too - you may view it here
The difference is I baked with breadmaker before and this time I used the machine only to knead and first proofing (about 1hour 30mins - dough function)
After that I took out and rolled the dough flat, sprinkled with choco chips and rolled it away from you like rolling swissroll
Put it on baking tray, second proof til it doubled in size - approximately 30minutes
Eggwash them on top and bake in preheated oven of 180degC for 30minutes
(I sprinkled some colorful chocolate rice on top to excite my kids - it worked *grin*)

I'm submitting this soft, flufy and chocolatey loaf to Aspiring Bakers #8 June'11 Bread Seduction hosted by Jasmine from The Sweetylicious at this LINK

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