Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Cheese Puff

This puff is so good you can't stop at one...and still can't stop at ten *grin*
So cheesy, so yummy!

Original recipe is from Vivi's site with a little modification to suit my family's taste

What you need:

250ml water
100g unsalted butter
a pinch of salt
150g plain flour
3 large eggs
100g grated parmesan cheese
a pinch of ground black pepper

For topping:
beaten 1 egg
grated cheddar cheese

Heat water, butter and salt on low fire til butter hot and melts 
Add in flour while stirring continuously til forms dough that's not sticky
Off heat, set aside til warm - around 5 minutes
Transfer to mixing bowl - add in eggs and pepper
Beat in high speed til smooth and thick
Lower the speed, add in cheese - around 1 minute
Transfer dough into piping bag, choose medium size star or flower tip, and arrange on cookies pan with parchment paper
Brush the top with beaten egg and sprinkle grated cheddar cheese
Bake in preheat oven of 210degC for 15minutes

Once you pop, you can not stop!

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