Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chocolate Loaf (Bread maker)

Soft, fluffy even til the next day - this loaf was well received by the whole family including the kids
One thing is I wish the chocolate chips could retain their shapes instead of melting and blended together with the bread.. That way would have been more chocolatey in taste...

No chance to take a snap of the whole loaf, DH cut it in hurry of great starvation (read: greediness) before I knew it hohoho...
Anyway, it's for 750g loaf, but it turned out tall, too tall til it's a little flooded out of the bread pan!

The texture was really really soft, in fact this was the softest loaf I've ever made recently!

What you need:
(for 750g loaf)

1 egg, mixed with water to 225ml
100ml fresh milk
450g bread flour
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 1/2tsp salt
40g caster sugar
25g butter
1 1/2 tsp yeast
100g chocolate chips

Using breadmaker:
Pour in the ingredients into the bread pan in the above order - except chocolate chips
Pour in the chocolate chips when the signal is given by the machine
Choose basic programme for 750g white bread with medium crust
Take the loaf out from the pan as soon as it's finished baking, and leave to cool for 30 - 45mins before cutting
Keep the balance in airtight container or sealed plastic bag

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