Friday, February 4, 2011

Sweet & Spicy Prawns

I just realized I had this in my kitchen cabinet - fortunately it's still not expired

I had plan to cook prawn dish today but not with this sauce
But since I got this with me, I'd better use it up before it's forgotten again :)

Dunno what I've done wrong, it turned out so different from what's shown in the packaging
The sauce is real close to chilli crab sauce - DH was quite happy with this dish, unlike me whom expected something different with the prawns I have bought

Following exactly from the instructions in the packaging, what you need:

80g peeled prawns - butterflied
1 pack egg tofu - sliced
1 small onion - julienned
oil, eggs, potato starch, water

Heat oil, deep fry egg tofu til golden brown - set aside
With a little oil, stir fry onion til fragrant, add prawns, stir til half cooked
Add in the sauce and a little water, also fried egg tofu, stir til well mixed
Add in potato starch which has been diluted with a little water and eggs, stir
Off heat
Serve with hot rice

Next time I will have mantou to eat this dish - if there is next time hehe...
Okay, I'd better buy another batch of prawns to cook with my initial planned recipe :)

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