Friday, February 25, 2011

Indonesian Style Fried Noodles - Another Recipe

Drooled ever this noodles made by another online friend of mine - Melly, I made the dish and was very well loved by my family
Really really tasty! :P
As usual, I have to eat fried noodles with pickled vegetable and ABC chilli sauce :)
Too bad Abby is allergic to seafood (lucky fish is not included), so I changed prawns used to fried fishballs

What you need:

2 packets of flat egg noodles - prepared as directed
4 eggs - mixed with a few pinches of salt - lightly beaten
6 cloves of garlic - crushed
1 chicken breast - sliced
5 fried fish balls - diced
cabbage - sliced
chyesim - sliced
sesame oil, canola oil, garlic oil, salt, pepper, fish sauce, oyster sauce, ketchup, kecap manis, chicken stock powder, a little water

Prepare the noodles as directed - after drained, drizzle with a little sesame oil - set aside
Fry eggs with oil to make scrambled eggs - set aside
Heat pan with garlic oil, stir fry garlic til fragrant, add in chicken and fishballs, cook til chicken slices change color
Add in salt, pepper, fish sauce, oyster sauce, ketchup, kecap manis, chicken stock powder and a little water - mix well
Add in cabbage and chyesim - stir for a while (around 1 minute to avoid them being overcooked)
Add in scrambled eggs and noodles - mix well
Serve hot

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