Saturday, February 19, 2011

Homemade Chicken Burger

I don't know if I can say this burger as homemade, since I didn't make the bun myself
Instead I bought Sunshine brand burger bun *grin*

What's homemade is the chicken patties, adapted the recipe from Nasi Lemak Lover

I have never, yes - never, make bread in any kind - not even once in my life!
It's not that I do not like bread, in fact I love bread, it's just that I never had the kick to give it a try
But recently, I have been tickled to try many new bakings - and bread is one of them
But this busy (read: lazy) mum thought, oh well, I'd just make the patties first, after that I'd see if I had time to try out those lovely buns...and of course, I ended up never made them hihihi....
Anyway, the buns will definitely bookmarked and still in my (long) to do list, in the meantime, this is what I had

The patties is just delicious, I follow everything exactly and it turned out perfect! My kids can eat just the patties, or eat them with rice :)
The only thing is I perhaps put too much breadcrumb coating resulting in a deep fried kind of finishing look
What you need (for the chicken patties):
500g minced chicken (I used breast meat, cut and put in chopper)
1 onion, finely chopped
3tbsp fresh breadcrumbs
3tbsp fresh milk
1/4tsp white pepper powder
1/4tsp black pepper powder
1/4tsp chicken stock powder
1tsp salt or to taste
plain flour - enough for coating
1 egg - lightly beaten
fresh breadcrumbs - enough for coating

Mix fresh breadcrumbs and milk in a mixing bowl, set aside for few minutes
Fry the onions till soft, and mix into minced chicken
Add the rest of ingredients and seasoning, mix till well combine, form into patties
One by one, dip patties in plain flour, next coat in beaten eggs, then transfer to breadcrumbs and coat thoroughly
Pan frying with little oil until golden brown on both sides. Drain on paper towels

I put iceberg lettuce, tomato, mayonaise, tomato ketchup and chilli sauce on top of the patty before top up with the bun

Before closing:

Will definitely do the homemade bun too next time :)

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