Thursday, February 24, 2011

Baked Bread With Sugar (Roti Panggang / Bagelen)

Dunno what to do with bread leftover?
I usually make bread pudding
But what to do when you're just too lazy to spend sometime in the kitchen?
Perhaps you can try this recipe easy and yummy :)
Got this idea from one of my Indonesian online friends whom I admire her cooking and baking skill, Diah Raki

What you need:

10 slices of white bread - cut into 4 squares (or whichever shape u prefer)
3 tbsp margarine
5 tbsp golden caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence

Beat margarine, sugar and vanilla in low speed for 5minutes
Spread on the bread (advisable to spread quite thick otherwise the bread will end up tastes bland)
Put bread on slightly greased cookies pan, and bake for 10minutes in preheated oven of 200degC
Let cool and keep in airtight container

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