Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cheezy Cheese Cookies (Kaastengel)

Beware! Only for cheese addict!
This cookies is extremely cheesy to make those cheese addicts keep wanting more - like me
Yes, not only chocolate, but I am a cheese addict as well *grin*

Here's the picture..I still have to learn to make these cookies more presentable - gotta train my hands to be more consistent :)

Soft and quite melty texture in the inside and crunchy outside

This is my mum's recipe with a little modification I made

What you need:

240g butter
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1/2 tsp salt
120g old cheddar cheese - grated
120g old edam cheese - grated
50g corn flour
260g plain flour

egg yolks for egg washing
approx 100g grated cheddar cheese for topping

Beat butter til pale and light in medium speed
Add in egg, mix well, followed by vanilla essence and salt, mix well
Add in grated cheese, mix well, off beater
Fold in sifted corn and plain flour
Shape dough to 5g balls and roll each ball to cylinder shape
Put on the baking pan, lightly press to make the shape slightly flatten
Brush the top with egg yolk and sprinkle some grated cheese
Bake in preheated oven of 150degC for approx 18-20mins

I find these yummy cookies is a perfect choice amongst many other sweet cookies during CNY season, therefore I am submitting this recipe to Aspiring Bakers #3: My Favorite CNY Cookie (Jan 2011)

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